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I hope the public prove him wrong, he thinks he's got it all sussed and in his pocket.Is this weeks nominations in the bag for Dave and JJ, seems like it...bathroom chat same time as last week when it was decided Mario would be up.

Speaking in the bathroom to Josie and David, he first told the pair that he believed Mario only got annoyed in the house when other people were the centre of attention.

"He doesn't like it, he doesn't want to hark up because people will know his game," John James commented. 

"People like Sammy and the mole definitely want camera time, that's why he wanted a main part in the musical task, that's why he wants to win the task so he can be the main focus of the show. He wants the programme to be about Mario."

David then turned his attention to tonight's eviction and stated that he did not want Rachel to go - leading John James to comment that women were typically unpopular housemates on Big Brother. 

"Girls get annoyed by other girls," he explained. "If it wasn't a majority of guys I think if Corin was up against a guy she'd go as well.

"You'll see, next time she goes up against a Dave and an Andrew she'll be gone."

David agreed and speculated that the retail assistant could come across as "really annoying". 

"Definitely, she's annoying in here who knows about out there?" replied John James. "Even when she argues and that her voice is annoying."

When David and Josie disagreed that Corin had "been through a lot" before coming in, John James commented that all housemates had.

Speaking later to Josie alone, John James added that he had originally not had a problem with Corin until Josie and Caoimhe pointed out to him that she appeared untrustworthy after angrily accusing them of touching her wigs. 

"It was you and Caoimhe who made up your mind about Corin, not me," he said. "That day I felt sorry for Corin because you touched her wigs then you explained it to me and I've never looked back."

Josie argued that she soon changed her mind about Corin after that conversation and that the Katie Price-lookalike clearly did not like arguing. However this was met with disagreement from John James.



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John James has watched Big Brother and knows that Corin is likable in the house.  The only time she has argued was when John James spent the day winding her up and she had finally had enough and argued back with him.  The nerve of her!

Corin doesn't get angry often and when she does and lets rip, it's forgotten.  Not so with golden boy.
JJ also said that Corin must love arguing because she came back into the room after having words with Sam last night, so she obviously wanted to start it up again. The blokes a joke

Jeebus, he goes on for days, the row wasn't that long and Sam's apologised today and they've had a hug. Unlike JJ who can't let something go, and will probably hate someone years after they've passed away .
JJ also said that Corin must love arguing because she came back into the room after having words with Sam last night, so she obviously wanted to start it up again. The blokes a joke.
Oh well i hope he starts on Corin again and she whips his bum! He can see, obviously ,that she is a threat to him re winning BB
Speaking later to Josie alone, John James added that he had originally not had a problem with Corin until Josie and Caoimhe pointed out to him that she appeared untrustworthy after angrily accusing them of touching her wigs. "It was you and Caoimhe who made up your mind about Corin, not me," he said. "That day I felt sorry for Corin because you touched her wigs then you explained it to me and I've never looked back."
The worm has turned. He is stepping up his game plan, Josie will be toast soon.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
John James added that he had originally not had a problem with Corin until Josie and Caoimhe pointed out to him that she appeared untrustworthy after angrily accusing them of touching her wigs. "It was you and Caoimhe who made up your mind about Corin, not me," he said. "That day I felt sorry for Corin because you touched her wigs then you explained it to me and I've never looked back."
He's that impressionable,not.
I think we knew in advance that John James and Mario would have another of their not-so-subtle meetings to decide on next week's nominations.
We also knew Mario would be a target. And Corin.
It is that time in the series now, were, if you want a chance of winning, you must try hard to get rid of who you see as strong competition. If you can find an ally to join you so much the better.
That's also why an unexpected twist can be quite handy to prevent the plotters have their own way.
I'm luvin it that he thinks she's going to go against Dave or Andrew
Sadly that could happen with the vote being split for Corin supporters and the anti- Corin teeny brigade multi voting against her!

looks like we have Dave and J.J's noms for next week then! Dave really annoys me. He goes on about loving Corin, but would nom her in a desperate attempt to get himself in the final! At least J.j does'n't pretend to like people!

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