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Former Member
I should point out im posting this from the safety of a bunker you cannot throw bombs etc.

Did anyone ANYONE think when he was talking about josie it was genuine? I did.

I think hes not such a monster. I think when he was talking about her he looked close to tears and i dont think it was because he felt sorry for himself (that was earlier when he was close to tears ) no, when he was talking about her i think it was genuine. I think at that point the tears were because if he could have told her how sorry he was for being a wanker then he would have.  I reckon hes a bit messed up but all in all there is a good guy in there.

thoughts please

*battens hatches*

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Does anyone think he doesnt let anyone close to him, but she managed to sneak close to him under his radar?  Thats my theory.
although others will not agree I think Davina had him worked out to a T - her interview was spot on - he was well out of his comfort zone in that enclosed studio during the interview but did well 
i think with a bit of reflection he might turn a bit nicer.
only once he accepts that his nasty side ain't big and it ain't clever..  and stops being so proud about that side of himself too. .which to me is the most prominent side of his character  and the thing that gives him the most pleasure.. .. sadly

I do think he does have feelings for Josie. .but til he sorts his attitude out I think she should run a mile cos inevitably it will also come back on her down the line more and more [like his mother cops it too but then she probably never told him that wasn't a nice way to behave when he was growing up.]  and she won't always be able to control him once the first flush of 'blind to/ignore all faults' lust wears off

Still can't get my head around how someone could be attracted to someone with such an appalling personality trait .. but hey ho suppose it takes all types... 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Yep I agree with the OP, although I do think his head`s been f...ed up somewhere along the line and needs therapy.  I think Josie recognised his vulnerability and loves him but I think she`s probably taken on a charge.   If he`s suffering from what I think, he`ll avoid like hell women who are in any way `flighty` - I think he feels secure with Josie.  I can understand him being repulsed by someone like Rachel 1.  He needs security.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
only once he accepts that his nasty side ain't big and it ain't clever.. and stops being so proud about that side of himself too
Nah i have high hopes for him. Not many people who 'change' have such a wake up call as a whole nation calling them a wanker so i reckon and hope he will get the message. It could have been the saving and making of him
Yep I agree with the OP, although I do think his head`s been f...ed up somewhere along the line and needs therapy. I think Josie recognised his vulnerability and loves him but I think she`s probably taken on a charge. If he`s suffering from what I think, he`ll avoid like hell women who are in any way `flighty` - I think he feels secure with Josie. I can understand him being repulsed by someone like Rachel 1. He needs security.
agree with all of that too
josie is obviously completely head over heels for him..........i reckon he's genuine......the last few days in bb he opened up more and last night he was asked if he'd 'break her heart'.....he said 'no'.........i do think he needs to sort himself out.........davina jokingly mentioned he should get anger management and he said 'yeah i've been told that before'.........if he stays the way he is then he could make not only josie's life miserable but his own too........but she seems to love him whatever.......

i also disagree josie is 'a monster' as someone described her earlier in the thread.....she's not murdered anyones grandmother and their dog
He's not all bad
I soooooooooo should have added that to the title of the Shack.

I do think he is genuine about Josie, she handles his arsey side brilliantly, and he respects that about her.

I don't think he is a monster..... just a mardi arse, who became mardier because he found the house hard to deal with. 

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