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Him being fit is one reason why I like him, but I also think he is quite complex.  I think he is sensitive, very insecure, vulnerable and caring (ok don't all throw rotten fruit at me ).  Of course, he has his faults too and it is when he is showing that side of him, that I want to deck him
Yes...  that's it!   (only way more succinct than my fumbly waffley post )
I do feel that only child syndrome plays a large part in JohnJames makeup. I think he is quite spoilt and very used to getting his own way.  Being in the house where he has to share and where his needs are not the only needs made his first few weeks there quite difficult.  He has calmed down but it remains to be seen whether he can keep a lid on his temper.
Mentalist online 4,516 Forum Posts Today at 5:20 PM Last Edited: I do feel that only child syndrome plays a large part in JohnJames makeup. I think he is quite spoilt and very used to getting his own way. Being in the house where he has to share and where his needs are not the only needs made his first few weeks there quite difficult. He has calmed down but it remains to be seen whether he can keep a lid on his temper.
Yes, I agree with you there.  I do feel he is quite complex and I think his insecurities are alot to do with the negative side to him.
I think he is quite spoilt and very used to getting his own way.
perhaps in some ways yes..   but he lost his dad suddenly, that too has to be part of his overall makeup.    I see him as someone trying to find their way or place in the world...  to establish his own morals and stuff.   Cheesily put..   "finding himself".. 

Mario is the one who I think is extremely spoiled..  dunno if he was as a child, but definitely has been as an adult.
its not just that he is attractive...   Dale was visually attractive, or should have been, but his dire personality made him a total turn off to lots of people (me included). Assume that what I type has had IMO put after every sentence...   John James is interesting... I find him unpredictable, and he certainly doesn't follow the usual trends (personality wise) for a lad his age, and with his looks.  His emotions show on his face like a small child... and to many of us that is endearing. He doesn't think he is the finished product...   he is self critical.   He is funny...  his smile & laugh are infectious...    and to us that don't hate him... he is totally being himself.  he's like a big puppy dog...  when he's upset you wanna console him, when he's funny you wanna laugh with him... etc He has that twinkle in his eye too...   that is not a "well fit" comment...  its a spark thats there... I dunno how to describe it...   some people have it, ...  I suppose charismatic might be the word for it.  And... he has entertained me this BB... far more than any other housemate I am more than aware that there are tons of people on here that do not feel like this about him..   but I do, and so do some of the others that like him that I have spoken to.
I wholeheartedly agree ...........he has entertained me more than any of the others ....although I like Josie too. I quite like Mario, Corin and so far the new JJ ....................don't always catch LF but I can't see an awful lot wrong with Rachel.

This week I'll be casting my vote for Ben ...........I cannot stand him - face like a smacked arse, always sulking and moaning ...................he had the audacity to say this afternoon that JJ is hardly entertaining. Does he honestly think that he is?
Soozy Woo
Reference: I think he is quite spoilt and very used to getting his own way.

perhaps in some ways yes.. but he lost his dad suddenly, that too has to be part of his overall makeup. I see him as someone trying to find their way or place in the world... to establish his own morals and stuff. Cheesily put.. "finding himself"..

Mario is the one who I think is extremely spoiled.. dunno if he was as a child, but definitely has been as an adult.
I agree. John James doesn't really know who he is, and the BB house is throwing up all sorts of emotions for him(some are a result of his sudden loss, I'm sure...because you can't go through something like that and lock it away in that BB house.)

I'm enjoying trying to work him out......I still enjoy trying to work Dave out sometimes because he's also interesting for different reasons even though he drives me mad! This is the whole point of Big Brother for me, people watching and analysing them, and even though some of the housemates have not lived up to expectations, I'm making the most of it because it's the last one.

It disappoints me when people dislike John James and then accuse others of fancying him because they can't understand how anyone could like him. I think he has a nice smile when he decides to use it, but that's about it on the looks front.
Reference: This is the whole point of Big Brother for me, people watching and analysing them

me too! its why I resent Mario... cos I don't feel he isn't giving us the true Mario
I'm undecided on him at the moment.....he could be letting his flaws show more now. the way he's been with Ben etc. I think he's more true than others like Steve, I think Steve keeps a lid on a lot of his character.
...................he had the audacity to say this afternoon that JJ is hardly entertaining. Does he honestly think that he is?

I would say Ben is way more entertaining than JJ, who having worn himself out with his bad temper has suddenly developed the need to lie down all the time,under a duvet in the company of his thumb sucking friend. Hardly entertaining. imo
JJ is one of the only three entertaining HMs in there this year. The other two being Corin and Ben. Now I don't have to actually like an HM...why would I, I don't know them, but without those three, this years show would have been a borefest...or a worse one than it is now.
So on the basis that the above three are the best HMs for me, I will support all three of them, until they are kicked out...then try and find someone to support among those left...or just give up and switch off
If it wasn't for Rex in BB9...   then this would fast be becoming my fave BB ever.   As it is, it is becoming my second fave BB ever.  

This isn't all down to JJ, Josie or Andrew, but all of the HM's have been, at the very least, tolerable...  the tasks have been good & well thought out, nominating has not been twiddled with too much (I like the SAR, as it is consistent), and the momentum and pace of house activity hasn't dwindled.

This is from my perspective of course...   cos I am happy to watch JJ & Josie, as well as all the others. Even Ben who I admit is my least fave HM has made me laugh occasionally & even made me salute him (once I think )

I've enjoyed this BB on its own merits, whereas usually its having a laugh on the forum at the same time that makes it so good.    As my views seem to differ so radically from the majority on here I tend not to do my BB chatting on here...   when I do see a safe thread (oh thank you Dave...  the one HM everyone appears to agree on) I am straight in there, faster than "a tramp on a sandwich" 
I don't find him 'fit'. I know I'm not the key demographic as it were but I can appreciate what's aesthetically pleasing to the eye and I just don't see it.

He's not unnattractive by any means but he has a rather plain face and unremarkable body. He also slouches a lot and a scowl is his default expression so I don't even see any of the confidence or joie de vivre that can make someone shine.

I don't dislike him as a hm, his lack of emotional control can be interesting viewing and he should stay for a bit longer but he's not really 'fit' in the way that past hms (good and bad) have been.
I do feel that only child syndrome plays a large part in JohnJames makeup. I think he is quite spoilt and very used to getting his own way.  Being in the house where he has to share and where his needs are not the only needs made his first few weeks there quite difficult.  He has calmed down but it remains to be seen whether he can keep a lid on his temper.
Very spoilt....He was saying the other day how his dad was jealous of his relationship with his mum,he then proceeded to give an instance where him being him(his words) he'd been cheeky to a friend of his fathers,his father went to discipline him,and rightly so imo but his mum wasn't having it....Having raised children I don't see this an an indication his father was jealous,more his mum mollycoddled him, perhaps to the exclusion of his father, and what we see today is the end product.

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