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I don't agree, I think he cares too much by the way he constantly tries to justify his behaviour, especially when he has an argument with someone. He spends hours upon hours repeating how he was in the right.
And he spends hours and hours wondering and being paranoid about how everyone is percieved on the outside... oh he cares all right, in fact the stench of his desperation is starting to ooze out of my TV
Therefore, if BB got rid of nominations then fake people like Corin would show their true colours and be stomping all over everyone and shafting the lot of them.
So who has she stomped all over then, anyone ,no I didn't think so. I mean noms are over aren't they. JJ1 just likes the sound of his own voice and he is one of those people that thinks if he goes on long enough people will change their minds and think the way he does.

Good post Suzy x
Aww thanks katty, saz, dame, mentalist and fairfax   I do agree that he has been consistent though. He's been on a consistent downer, and has droned on about the game, and over analysed it since day 1.
Rachael and Corin never made any pretense about being on the show to spring board them on to other things...that's what he hates, it was their honesty. So for him to sit there claiming to be the most honest HM ever because he argues all the time and has no ulterior motive for being on the show is a load of crock.
He acts like he's too cool to be interested in winning (or even be in there) but all those business club trips from Oz tell us a different story. JJ1 is as authentic as Dave is Pastoral 
Marguerita offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 52,247 Forum Posts Today at 10:03 AM Last Edited: Reference:LL I do blow hot and cold with him. I am the same LL when he goes on and on and on I just think.. please stop,he has a nice side to him but shows more of his annoying side which I dont like, he keeps going on and on for far to long especially when he is talking about Corin.
He does have a nice side, unfortunately that doesn't come out very much.

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