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John James - just like Dave - speaks with forked tongue.
He squirms and twists and turns and has such a "gift of the gab" that you don't know where you are with him, and ultimately don't know what he means or what he stands for.
Careful analysys of his time in the house would, I feel, show a great many inconsistensies.
Why, even repetition of the same story results in different versions.
He points in many directions at the same itime.
Love him or hate him he has been a good housemate
What he was saying was if there were no Nominations they wouldn't kiss each other's arse they way they do and it would show a different side of them.

I agree Marg. He's been the talking point of this year's show.   I was turned off him on Night 1 by something he said about women and hate the way he goes on and on but he talks a lot of truth.  If he cared what the public think of him he wouldn't be as argumentative as he is.
I think the show would have been better without him. I don't like watching conflict and nastiness night after night. I don't like watching women reduced to tears. I don't like bitching and snide remarks all the time.
I am probably a crap BB fan but I prefer it when they are having fun.
The odd row is one thing but with him it is relentless.
And yet people like watching him?
Ah well -takes all sorts to make a world.
think the show would have been better without him. I don't like watching conflict and nastiness night after night. I don't like watching women reduced to tears. I don't like bitching and snide remarks all the time. I am probably a crap BB fan but I prefer it when they are having fun. The odd row is one thing but with him it is relentless. And yet people like watching him? Ah well -takes all sorts to make a world.

^^^^^ this 
What he was saying was if there were no Nominations they wouldn't kiss each other's arse they way they do and it would show a different side of them.
He's full of crap. Josie blew his reasoning apart, but his nodding dogs kept agreeing with him so JJ1 went on and on. Nominations is part of the game...and it has never stopped people falling out in the past BBs. All JJ1 was saying (yes I did listen for a little bit before I nearly snapped my jaw yawning) was that people (like his hate figure Corin) who like to get on with others and hate nominating are false/fake. Therefore, if BB got rid of nominations then fake people like Corin would show their true colours and be stomping all over everyone and shafting the lot of them.
He's an absolute's like saying if there were no pesky laws to follow we could all be our authentic selves and kill each when we feel like it coz that's real and we'd be keeping it real. So because so many of us find it easier and more benficial to society to obey laws...we're all FAKE !!!
JJ1 is a one the dumbest HMs ever, followed around by Himbo JJ2, Glory Drunkard Dave and Slapstick Sam.
He's full of crap. Josie blew his reasoning apart, but his nodding dogs kept agreeing with him so JJ1 went on and on. Nominations is part of the game...and it has never stopped people falling out in the past BBs. All JJ1 was saying (yes I did listen for a little bit before I nearly snapped my jaw yawning) was that people (like his hate figure Corin) who like to get on with others and hate nominating are false/fake. Therefore, if BB got rid of nominations then fake people like Corin would show their true colours and be stomping all over everyone and shafting the lot of them. He's an absolute's like saying if there were no pesky laws to follow we could all be our authentic selves and kill each when we feel like it coz that's real and we'd be keeping it real. So because so many of us find it easier and more benficial to society to obey laws...we're all FAKE !!! JJ1 is a one the dumbest HMs ever, followed around by Himbo JJ2, Glory Drunkard Dave and Slapstick Sam.

Bang on Suzy,he spouts the same old load of crap day after day.He  does have serious issues with women,I'd avoid a bloke like him like the plague. Far from him making the show,him and that thumb sucker killed this years bb.I hate him.

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