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[~Lee~] ~Lee~ offline 5,598 Forum Posts Today at 12:43 Last Edited: Reference: He just asked the HMs about NUTS magazine. He seemed to think it was a fully naked giblets and all magazine.

He seemed surprised it was only a boobs mag Bit late or trying to cover his butt again,he's had all this time to ask about NUTS ,didn't bother but does now.
I don't believe that he hasn't researched every single detail relating to Big Brother. He's attempting damage limitation now.........much too late.

Last night he was playing the foreigner, was clearly scared about being evicted and refusing to do interviews, trying to justify himself, saying 'I didn't know about these BBLB and BBBM shows until I met Mario'
AS IF he wouldn't know about all this stuff when he's one of the biggest BB fans in there!
He just asked the HMs about NUTS magazine. He seemed to think it was a fully naked giblets and all magazine. He seemed surprised it was only a boobs mag.
hahaha is he playing 'ignorant' now, after being the all-seeing, all-knowing Oracle Of the House for 11 weeks?  Nuts magazine has a franchise in Aus.

edit: it's sold in Australia. He probably bought a copy when his beloved Sophie from last year's BB was on the cover 
Last edited by suzybean
Last night he was playing the foreigner, was clearly scared about being evicted and refusing to do interviews, trying to justify himself, saying 'I didn't know about these BBLB and BBBM shows until I met Mario' AS IF he wouldn't know about all this stuff when he's one of the biggest BB fans in there!
I heard that Katerina,I can't remember what he'd said a few minutes prior to it but it contradicted what he said about Mario telling him.
I watched it several times and at first his sarky tone of voice implied that he did think she would sell herself. It was only when she told him how horrible that his comment was that he backtracked to ' well, that's about the only thing you'd draw the line at'! He is a truly horrible person. I have likened him in the past to Dale or Kris, but I apologize to them, he's actually worse!
Reference: Kimota
I watched it several times and at first his sarky tone of voice implied that he did think she would sell herself. It was only when she told him how horrible that his comment was that he backtracked to ' well, that's about the only thing you'd draw the line at'! He is a truly horrible person. I have likened him in the past to Dale or Kris, but I apologize to them, he's actually worse
Million times

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