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He doesn't bitch and he doesn't target people, you just don;t understand him... he needs mothered and he's got issues 

Apart from being a jumped up spoiled little prat with a face like a slapped ar@e most of the time. Personally I think he's had loads of motherly love, and he's turned out to be spoiled immature brat in my opinion.
Josie's getting the blame for loads lately, but he had a conversation with her this afternoon, and she told him there's no excuse for bad manners and all the bitchy talk between him and Keeva. JJ said he thought Keeva was funny with her negativity and agreed she won't speak to people in the house because she doesn't like them *shugs*
I'm waiting for the spoilt brat to get his..

The problem is keeping it real, you'd avoid these two like the plague if that's what they are like in real life. I can't wait to see the back of most of them to be honest. What a bloody miserable bunch they manage to pluck out of the thousands that applied, fancy going to a wake with those two, bloody hell you'd be wishing were the guest of honour  
Josie makes me laugh occasionally, I find she a lot funnier when she's not slavering all over JJ.

I quite liked Josie until she got with JJ and then Keeva, I wish she would make the break from them both. Her popularity on DS is plummeting because JJ fans think everything is her fault, she's a load more good traits than those two put together.
What does he say at the end that's beeped out?

I personally agree with the first part, Keely knows Steve (was/is) a favourite when she went in, his popularity has waned considerably in the last week or ten days.  He was absolutley horrible to her and she kept going back for more, I do believe she is sticking with Steve because she thinks he a favourite.

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