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Sitting there with Josie clinging on to him for dear life, someone asks 'is she your girlfriend then?'. He cringes and says 'we haven't had a chance to talk yet'.

How long does it take to make such a decision? Does she have to fill out an application form then go through a series of Krypton Factor style tests followed by a Talibanesque interview to see if she is worthy of such an honorary title?

The most cringeworthy thing is she has defended her relationship with him to the hilt (particularly in the last couple of days and in her interview tonight said it really was 'love' between them when questioned on the current status) - yet he made her look an idiot and she STILL clings on after he said it talking about flashing her labia to him for his birthday. WHEN will that girl wake up?

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I haven't been on here long enough this week to see such indignation - but I don't doubt it exists

However, I have said from the outset that should this whole sham fail, that she doesn't get bucketloads of sympathy with him painted as the ultimate villain and her the broken maiden. She's 25 ffs - not 12. I don't for one minute believe that she hasn't had a good think about this and the things people have said to her. She bloody knows he's not giving back what she's giving out cos she pulls him up on it everytime it happens. When I said 'when will she wake up' I meant in the sense as when will she stop making an utter fool of herself publicly. Desperately hanging on to him (literally) no matter how many times he cringes at being questioned about them. If his feelings were that genuine wouldn't he be proud to say 'yes, that's my girlfriend'?

But then again I've always said Josie aint as daft as she likes to make out. I do believe she is totally cockdrunk over him and I do believe she was genuinely upset in the house before she left (but don't believe her reasons) - but I just think it's been blatantly said to her now (even John M told him straight tonight) and she's now making herself look an absolute idiot.
Those who've never liked John,Josie,or their relationship aren't quoting what he said to another question on bbbm or on other footage, doesn't surprise me though, So much negativity here
By 'those' I take it you mean me? Yes, I saw him nod when asked if it was love between them, but the question as to whether she was his girlfriend was asked AFTER he answered that. Maybe it's just me but if that was a potential fella of mine there would be serious alarm bells ringing and even sharper brakes put on the whole affair for a stock take.
He doesn't give a flying about her Karma. Kind of hilarious seeing the indignation on here when John M, Nadia and Brian told her he was a worthless shit. How dare they ruin the nomance?
They were all spiteful and were assuming they were relationship experts, they've not a clue, what a joke, but it had the desired effect they obviously wanted, so she walked, and good for her, so much happier for her to be with those she really cares about and who care about her, including John who she loves and he loves her, than those who gave their opinion giving a flying fig as some here say about her feelings. If some went into the house liking Josie they'd never have said what they did, says a lot about those who said to her what they did.
Yellow Rose
Like him or loathe him imo J Mc C was giving his opinion as someone who does like her and was saying it with good intentions...Is he a relationship expert?,no,are those who insist they're in love with each other?,no....Actions do speak louder than words and his scream N
John McC had no right to give his opinion as did none of them who commented on their personal views. That's all it was, their views, and by the time they'd all finished it sowed seeds of doubts in Josie because of being in the house for so long so she assumed they knew more than her. Colour it what you all like but that was nasty. Whatever their relationship is or will be let them find it out for themselves.
Yellow Rose
If my memory serves me right Josie never stopped to draw breathe ratting on about him,they responded and gave their honest opinion,should they have lied instead?....I don't for a second think they planted seeds of doubt,the questions she herself asks show those seeds are already well planted but for whatever reason atm she's not seeing the forest for the trees....He's feeding her scraps and she's clinging to those disregarding and ignoring anything that  doesn't suit.
WHEN will that girl wake up?


When the potential money making from the fauxmance dries up...
 She is fully awake and very calculating, the walls were closing in on her my foot. She just didn't want to miss out on the heat of the moment out there.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
She is fully awake and very calculating, the walls were closing in on her my foot. She just didn't want to miss out on the heat of the moment out there.
I just didn't see that - I saw someone who had cabin fever and wanted to get out of the house ASAP.
And lets's face it - who can blame her? 77 days in there - she sees her family and friends , is euphoric because she won and then goes straight back in. She made the decision in the excitement and heat of the moment.
I can completely understand and emphasize with her. Whether we agree or not, Josie does seem to have some sort of feeling for John James and did not like what was being said to her. So she wanted out.
f my memory serves me right Josie never stopped to draw breathe ratting on about him,they responded and gave their honest opinion,should they have lied instead?....I don't for a second think they planted seeds of doubt,the questions she herself asks show those seeds are already well planted but for whatever reason atm she's not seeing the forest for the trees....He's feeding her scraps and she's clinging to those disregarding and ignoring anything that  doesn't suit.
I think you are spot on Lee and nothing in his behaviour towards her since they have left the house has persuaded me otherwise.

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