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JJ1 is saying "f***" all the time.
He is now sharing with Dave his intense dislike of Ben and now Mario.
Mario is the new target here.
Now Ben. Now Andrew.
JJ saying is not interested in most things in the house.
But actually he sounds very interested.
Maybe he has eviction nerves.
He seems to dislike everybody now.
(Mario nominations next week?)
Last edited by brisket
BB will not show this nastiness on highlights tomorrow as they have failed to show any of JJ's late night bitching sessions.

JJ and Dave have been bitching loud and clear about Ben and Andrew. Horrible treatment saying that Andrew should grow up,now having a go at Mario Crabeyes is not happy with his behavior!!!!
Dave says Josie is head over heels in love with John James.
Tells him he has a massive fan base.
JJ is threatened by Andrew's interest in Josie.
How ridiculous that this house has such an effect.
People who pass by each other for a few hours in a game show and they are imagining they are madly in love.
What utter nonsense.
Methinks  - no me sure - he doth protest too much.
All this venting suggests a very insecure John James and indicates a pretty nasty  person.

Dave now dropping hints that Mario should be targetted next. Devious Dave.
Dave is so transparent.
He tells John James that he loves him.
Dave now dropping hints that Mario should be targetted next. Devious Dave. Dave is so transparent.
He drops poisen in anyone's ear who is willing to listen. Right now JJ is like Hamlet discovering Claudius killed his father... except JJ doesn't see what Dave is doing. Dave has even managed to put Andrew in this mix by telling JJ about how Andrew fancies Josie. He makes me sick.
I have also noticed that JJ1 is trying desperately to form a friendship with JJ2...the reason for this is, he's a newbie and male and JJ1 wants information from the outside. He couldn't really form a close friendship with one of the new females (well, the only new female now), could he for fear of upsetting Josie......

I don't like the new JJ either BTW, I thinks he's sneaky and up his own anus

JJ1 is getting on my nerves lately, he showed no genuine emotion when he did his 'fire escape attention seeking act' the other night...the only thing that was about was trying to find a get out from the Josie thing and gaining sympathy at the same time, they should've let the crab-eyed idiot go!!!!

On the other hand, Josie is being abit OTT with Andrew, very unfair all that touchy, feely stuff she does with him as she knows he fancies her rotten....

To think, when JJ went in I thought 'hello! Eye candy' I can't see the attraction what-so-ever...I don't even think he's good looking anymore as he's so bitter and nasty...shame that all the tweenies who vote will probably keep him into the end, based on looks alone....
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: Fairfax
Xoch..I think it is very bad indeed, why doesn't she stop him and tell him to give it a rest. Silence is condoning his bitching. She is as bad as him
She wasn't completely silent.

She said to Dave, "I hate this side of John James", or something similar, peeled an egg and told John James it looked like his ball bag, and then excused herself to go and brush her teeth.

She has consistently told him that she hates his bitching and, until last night, he has been far less like that recently.

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