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Take a look at the betting odds on who's going out. John James is not indestructible. The problem, as was the case last time he was up, is nobody will vote JJ out assuming he's safe. Even on a thread Senora made talking about Dave and Rachel and who's most likely to go it's automatically assumed JJ is safe because of all the underage girlies voting out people he doesn't like so it doesn't even occur to people to bring him into the equation. There seems to be an unspoken agreement amongst potential voters that JJ is safe no matter who he's up against on eviction night.

He's not. STOP assuming he is untouchable. If you hate the little weasel more than anyone else who's up go right ahead and vote him out. It's not a waste of money. In fact only Rachel has annoyed JJ by talking too loud but they have not fallen out in any way. There really isn't any obvious target for the little girlies to go for this time. If you really want that pathetic excuse for a male out this could be your best and possibly last chance.

Mini-rant /end.

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However, I still reckon the vote will be split and Rachel will end up being the loser
Isn't it a vote to evict? I don't think Rachel annoys people on the outside as much as she annoys people in the house. I can't see her being any kind of object of hatred and Dave has stopped his 'belly full of the Lord' crap so I can't see too many people jumping on him (much as he deserves it) because people vote based on HL's. 

If there's any kind of split it will be the tweenies going for Rachel because JJ doesn't like her and other people going for Dave because, well, he's a complete twat. That actually helps the cause of people who want to get JJ out if they vote en masse instead of assuming he's going nowhere.
I acknowledge your point Prom.
But the same principle applies to Dave  (i.e. don't think it's a wasted vote. have the courage of your convictions. don't waver, go for him, don despair or be distracted.)
I loathe Dave with such an intensity that I have to do my bit to get him evicted.
His nastiness is pervasive in the house, and they don't see it! But we viewers do.
I have not forgotten his dubious words about gay people  (strangely and weirdly belied by his own behaviour in the house.)
I loathe Dave with such an intensity that I have to do my bit to get him evicted. His nastiness is pervasive in the house, and they don't see it! But we viewers do. I have not forgotten his dubious words about gay people  (strangely and weirdly belied by his own behaviour in the house.)
Go for it Brisket. I certainly wouldn't be in any disappointed to see him get the boot. His comments on gays didn't escape me, it's one of my enduring memories of him. I commented at the time that he sees gays as people who are more to be pitied than blamed (I can't believe he got away with that).

I'd still rather see JJ go though. Dave hasn't a hope in hell of winning it. If JJ survives this week, he has every chance.
brisket (Ben's Buddy/Mario's Mole) offline 8,819 Forum Posts Yesterday at 10:55 PM Last Edited: I acknowledge your point Prom. But the same principle applies to Dave (i.e. don't think it's a wasted vote. have the courage of your convictions. don't waver, go for him, don despair or be distracted.) I loathe Dave with such an intensity that I have to do my bit to get him evicted. His nastiness is pervasive in the house, and they don't see it! But we viewers do. I have not forgotten his dubious words about gay people (strangely and weirdly belied by his own behaviour in the house.)
I agree with you there brisket.

Didn't hear his comments about gay people, but I guess that is his opinion and he is entitled to it, even if people disagree.
Take a look at the betting odds on who's going out. John James is not indestructible.
When he was up against Nathan, he only got around 15% of the vote, We don't know what he got last week, Ben went with over 50% of the vote in a 4 way vote, JJ like it or not has a large fan base. I can see it being a tigher race if he was up against H/M's  that are not as irritating as him, but against Dave & Rachel , I can only see his odd drifting this week,

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