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I had a job interview almnost two weeks ago now, on Thursday 17th November. I was told afterwards that I would hear within a week but I have not heard anything at all yet. I phoned up the company on Friday and they took my details and promised to pass on the message to the interviewer, but she did not call me back. Then I phoned again yesterday, but still no call back.


 I then thought I would do a bit of investigative work, and phoned up the company as someone else, asking if they had filled the position yet, and surprise surprise, the woman I spoke to said that an offer has been made!


I know it is pretty obvious that I have not got the job, but I am just so angry and upset that they dont have the decency to at least let me know.


 I have been out of work for the past three months now, and this has just put me off job searching completely. It's not fair that employers can treat people like this.


Part of me wants to email them and complain, but that will probably get ignored aswell. What would you do if you were in my position? Continue to push for an answer, or just put it behind you and move on? Have any of you ever been in this situation before? Its awful

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hi sheryl, That is a horrible situation, common decency seems to have gone out the window these days. I dare say they have a lot of applicants, and therefore a lot of admin to deal with, and that's probably why you haven't heard back from them. I would advice you not to take it personally, even though I would and sulk for a few days, and encourage with an onwards and upwards attitude. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, so this clearly wasn't the right job for you and there's a better one out there that will find you at the right time. Meanwhile, I would suggest e mailing some feedback regarding their lack of response. You probably won't get a reply but at least you would have told them how you feel Stay strong and positive, things will get better
~Sparkling Summer~
I second everything Sweet said Sheryl .... And if I was you I would be hurt and angry too I have heard similar stories about people applying for jobs and never even getting an acknowledgement .... Which given the *communication revolution* I feel is just downright rude !!! Anyway , don't be too disheartened .... I am sure there will be something better out there for you

Thank you for your kind words guys. I know I shouldnt take it personally, but it is hard. I personally thought that the interview went well and I established a rapport with the interviewer, but obviously not. I am going to wait until Thursday (exactly two weeks after the interview took place), and if I still have not heard anything, I will email them and complain. As you said Sweet, they probably wont respond, but at least I would have got it off my chest.


I know that the right job is out there for me somewhere, but I just wish it would hurry up and find me, because being unemployed and penniless is hard at the best of times, let alone in the run up to christmas  


Thank god I have a supportive understanding boyfriend.

Originally Posted by sheryl18:

I had a job interview almnost two weeks ago now, on Thursday 17th November. I was told afterwards that I would hear within a week but I have not heard anything at all yet. I phoned up the company on Friday and they took my details and promised to pass on the message to the interviewer, but she did not call me back. Then I phoned again yesterday, but still no call back.


 I then thought I would do a bit of investigative work, and phoned up the company as someone else, asking if they had filled the position yet, and surprise surprise, the woman I spoke to said that an offer has been made!


I know it is pretty obvious that I have not got the job, but I am just so angry and upset that they dont have the decency to at least let me know.


 I have been out of work for the past three months now, and this has just put me off job searching completely. It's not fair that employers can treat people like this.


Part of me wants to email them and complain, but that will probably get ignored aswell. What would you do if you were in my position? Continue to push for an answer, or just put it behind you and move on? Have any of you ever been in this situation before? Its awful

Put it behind you and move on, its dead common, in fact it may just be standard practice


You just have to move on.. yeah, it's crap, but it's the way of the world.   Think twice before 'complaining' if you thought you'd like the job.   Maybe they've made the offer, but it's not been accepted yet, or the person's on trial.  It might not be dead in the water.. imagine if you were second choice and you went gobbing off just as they were about to say 'let's give sheryl a call, this isn't working out...'   By all means email and say you're very interested still and wondered if they'd made a decision

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

You just have to move on.. yeah, it's crap, but it's the way of the world.   Think twice before 'complaining' if you thought you'd like the job.   Maybe they've made the offer, but it's not been accepted yet, or the person's on trial.  It might not be dead in the water.. imagine if you were second choice and you went gobbing off just as they were about to say 'let's give sheryl a call, this isn't working out...'   By all means email and say you're very interested still and wondered if they'd made a decision

That's more or less what I was going to say. You may well be second choice and they're waiting on the person who they've made the offer to before they can confirm one way or the other? By all means email them and continue to ask for a decision, but I personally wouldn't complain. And, if it was me and I hadn't got the position, I'd ask for feedback on the interview and how I might improve. That way, if something were to come up another time in the same company they'd have you down as someone who was keen, rather than a complainer! And it might give you some valuable feedback for other interviews. Although I sympathise with you, I  can't see what complaining would achieve tbh, other than for you to get it off your chest, and you can do that in other ways, like on here

Good luck with the job search sheryl

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:

Did you attach any pictures to your CV? 

sorry but hahahahaha at ^^^^^^^ 


seriously tho as others have said move on. . seems common practice to not inform people who were unsuccessful anymore. .most don't even get to an interview stage so that was a step forward..


I thought it was common practice to not inform unsuccessful candidates at the CV stage, but not after they have gone out of their way to attend an interview. Besides she said that she was going to call or email me, so she has obviously gone back on her word, or like Kaffy has said, maybe the 1st choice has not accepted the offer yet or is on trial...the suspense is killing me me, it's so torturous..

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

You just have to move on.. yeah, it's crap, but it's the way of the world.   Think twice before 'complaining' if you thought you'd like the job.   Maybe they've made the offer, but it's not been accepted yet, or the person's on trial.  It might not be dead in the water.. imagine if you were second choice and you went gobbing off just as they were about to say 'let's give sheryl a call, this isn't working out...'   By all means email and say you're very interested still and wondered if they'd made a decision

yes this They did say they had made an offer - not that its been accepted, they always wait until the offer has been accepted before they tell the other candidates that they were unsuccessful in case the first choice declines and they want to offer it to someone else.


I was actually second choice at my current job

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

You just have to move on.. yeah, it's crap, but it's the way of the world.   Think twice before 'complaining' if you thought you'd like the job.   Maybe they've made the offer, but it's not been accepted yet, or the person's on trial.  It might not be dead in the water.. imagine if you were second choice and you went gobbing off just as they were about to say 'let's give sheryl a call, this isn't working out...'   By all means email and say you're very interested still and wondered if they'd made a decision

That's more or less what I was going to say. You may well be second choice and they're waiting on the person who they've made the offer to before they can confirm one way or the other? By all means email them and continue to ask for a decision, but I personally wouldn't complain. And, if it was me and I hadn't got the position, I'd ask for feedback on the interview and how I might improve. That way, if something were to come up another time in the same company they'd have you down as someone who was keen, rather than a complainer! And it might give you some valuable feedback for other interviews. Although I sympathise with you, I  can't see what complaining would achieve tbh, other than for you to get it off your chest, and you can do that in other ways, like on here

Good luck with the job search sheryl

^^^^ What they said.


Good luck in the search, Sheryl.


its a pile of stinky bollox innit? 



dont think you should complain though as they will just ignore you & you will totally burn your bridges


I complained via email after I got a job but then they called me back & cause i had 3 weeks booked off this month for a hol they said i could not have the hols.

then ended the call... so i emailed them asking why they did not have the decency to tell me i didnt have the job & if my hols were a problem why not tell me straight away as I informed them of this at the 1st interview stage?


they didnt even respond


wasnt arsed bout the job after that though cause I heard they are a crap company to work for... 


but dont let it worry you, their loss n`all that 


I think I would give them a quick email or call just to see if they have made the decision yet, but don't let it come across as a complaint.  Sounds like you haven't got it though sorry...  But better luck next time.  So many people going for each job these day, so don't take it personally.  But it is soul destroying isn't it?


It has been two weeks exactly since the interview, and still absolutely nothing. I am getting really annoyed now. I know it is pretty unlikely that I got the job, but it would be nice if they had the decency to at least let me know, as they did promise to! I just want an answer so that I can put it behind me


I am thinking of sending an email, but I don't have the interviewers email address, only the contact details of the lady on reception who actually arranged the interview with me. Is it a good idea to email her and ask her to pass it on to the interviewer, or does this look unprofessional? I'm not sure...



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