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Suzy I pull that face all the time. I pull it when I am thinking. I pull it when I am doing something. I pull it when I am listening. I pull it at my kids and my husband. I am not and have never been a bitch. I have never thought I am superior to anybody. I am one of the happiest people I know. But that is how my face expresses itself. I have wrinkles that set into that face. I don't even think she know's she is doing it.

Oh I see. I forgot about that longcat. Then again..he saw other wannabees VT`s who were also booed on the way in. Rightly or wrongly, I believe his attitude to Rachael has mainly been about what she`s said in the house and her sneer bugs him. I don`t think he`s playing to us at all. He doesn`t like her. I think it`s as simple as that. 


 I believe his attitude to Rachael has mainly been about what she`s said in the house and her sneer bugs him. I don`t think he`s playing to us at all. He doesn`t like her. I think it`s as simple as that.
That's the way I see it, Scotty. TBH, I think he has Rachael well sussed and he doesn't like what he sees.
The look JJ refers to is a definite sneer and was in evidence as early as Launch Night when she pulled that expression as the other females entered the house.
I just wish he could be less aggressive in his delivery, because he is very insightful about the big players in that house.
That's the way I see it, Scotty. TBH, I think he has Rachael well sussed and he doesn't like what he sees. The look JJ refers to is a definite sneer and was in evidence as early as Launch Night when she pulled that expression as the other females entered the house. I just wish he could be less aggressive in his delivery, because he is very insightful about the big players in that house.
I agree with everything you`ve said Yogi.  And yes, JJ`s clued up but his approach to what bothers him, is wrong. I like his straight talking but he needs to rein it in. I can`t see that happening though.
I like his straight talking
Sorry Scotty I don't. I don't think it's straight talking. His behaviour was way over the top. Irrespective of what his opinion is, he shouldn't have disrupted the whole house the way he did or indeed reduce a hm to tears. It was not his place to stick his oar into a conversation and certainly not in the manner he did. He is now my least fave hm at the moment
I'm with fairfax, straight talking my back foot! Racheal already knows she's shallow, he wasn't telling her anything new. He probably thought he was being straight when he told Josie she may be in with a chance because he doesn't do stunning girls. If he wants to be straight and honest then he needs to admit that he's as shallow as Racheal is, and that the only reason he'd get with Josie is for the mag deals, even flipping Nuts magazine 
He also told her that he booed her, along with the crowd. Such charm.
Exactly, he made his mind up about her before he entered the house. When someone came in the house she went to say hello and whoever it was turned their back on her and she gave that look as if to say "ok" For the life of me I can't remember if it was him or someone else.
Exactly And I have to say that I find it strange with all the British wannabees out there , that C4 picked an Aussie for British BB
Baz, the whole BB selection is dubious at best, Caoimhe was approached when out shopping in Dublin city centre, fast tracked to the audition. Dave and Ben (who as it transpires is a reality vetran of sorts) were also approached and fast tracked, ditto Freddie last year.
So its wouldn't be at all surprising if John James was "selected" as well. Kind of makes a mockery of the audition process imo.
Sorry Scotty I don't. I don't think it's straight talking. His behaviour was way over the top. Irrespective of what his opinion is, he shouldn't have disrupted the whole house the way he did or indeed reduce a hm to tears. It was not his place to stick his oar into a conversation and certainly not in the manner he did. He is now my least fave hm at the moment
Fairfax That`s the only word I can think of and no offence but you didn`t replace it with another. My post, although I didn`t detail it like you have, was in agreement with yours re his behaviour. ref: His approach to what annoys him is wrong.
Baz, the whole BB selection is dubious at best, Caoimhe was approached when out shopping in Dublin city centre, fast tracked to the audition. Dave and Ben (who as it transpires is a reality vetran of sorts) were also approached and fast tracked, ditto Freddie last year. So its wouldn't be at all surprising if John James was "selected" as well. Kind of makes a mockery of the audition process imo.
I heard Mario say he was the only one in the house that went thru the actual public lining up Audition process..

as for JJ .. in his first 'talk' with Rachael he said he saw her VT. .made a snap judgement then decided he would try to forget the VT and see if it had been badly edited and if she was in fact not like her VT at all. .he concluded from observations in the house that she was exaclty like her VT..

Doesn't excuse his raging all the time about it tho

and I have one of them faces as does he.  [but I don't love myself] .and I hate seeing it in others [a best mate from years back has one of them too]  even tho I know I can probably do the snarlysneer without even realising it myself  and always get the wisecrack  'cheer up love'  which sends me straight into a bad mood
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Dame Ann
Did JJ say he was up for a laugh on his? If so someone wants to sue him, the miserable, moany git..
Too right!  He clearly has an agenda and if his selection on launch night was random, then I'm Ann Widdecombe. No-one gets on a 23-hour flight unless they know what's at the other end.

Racheel does make sneery faces, but why does he keep on about it so aggressively? At least she's not screeching at people across the dinner table.
i watched the  game show bit and the dinner  rage again earlier.

caoihme and shabby were pulling faces at sunshines answers and sneering, as was rachael, all three of them had 'that look', jj was sat there to, maybe he just asnt paying attentoin  and was on a break from monitoring ' that look'

at the dinner table shabby, corin and rachael were all saying, half jokingly what they would like to get out of bb,although shabby sounded more serious, but jj only chose to have a rant at rachael.

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