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Lee Josie is an idiot...She will realise what a fool she has been when she leaves the house..He has effectively cost her winning this years BB, before she bunked up with him, she was the runaway favourite...I really hope Sam Pepper can pull it off and win the show..JJ1 will combust with envy..So will Corin, Mario, and Monk Dave.
Senora Reyes
I feel so sorry for Sam  and why was Josie  hiding on the floor encouraging Sam to listen and now being two faced to the others she is covering herself from all angles, JJ believes everything that comes out her mouth he see's her as genuine I cant stand the pair of them they both play mind games
 It's just too nasty Marg,too nasty to be viewed as entertainment in any way shape or form.
Lee Josie is an idiot...She will realise what a fool she has been when she leaves the house..He has effectively cost her winning this years BB, before she bunked up with him, she was the runaway favourite...I really hope Sam Pepper can pull it off and win the show..JJ1 will combust with envy..So will Corin, Mario, and Monk Dave.
She's agreeing with him about Sam,soooooo she was being fake with all the like/love him talk.
Mario giving him a talking to and his take on things....but he doesn't listen to anybody.  Wish BB would just kick him out. All of this is because he was caught fair and square being fake and talking behind someone's back.  Best form of defence is attack, and by God he'll attack anyone that stands between him and the winning post!
Mario giving him a talking to and his take on things....but he doesn't listen to anybody. Wish BB would just kick him out. All of this is because he was caught fair and square being fake and talking behind someone's back. Best form of defence is attack, and by God he'll attack anyone that stands between him and the winning post!
Senora Reyes
To be honest Lee I hope to goodness JJ or Josie does not win I dont want to see them in the all stars show if they do I wont be watching.
It's such a shame Marg,what could have been such a good show has been ruined,is it worth watching any more to see JJ abuse others ,the Nomance being forced down our throats and worst of all BB letting him call all the shots....I think we'll take up knitting Marg.
Reference: Lee
She's bang out of order tonight Senora,going on she thought Sam thought it was funny,he did say they're being malicious about me how is that funny?....She thought JJ was being negative about her that's why she sat in.
I thought Sam was finding it funny. They were both laughing their heads off, at one stage.
I was shocked when he burst into tears.
I was shocked when he burst into tears.
Honestly are you watching the same live feed,did you hear what he said to Josie.He was gutted to hear what Crab eyes was saying ,Josie agreed,in facr Josie thought they were bitching about her,Josie will do anything to have him close ,she wants him ,Crab eyes could not give a sh* t about her.
Reference: erinp
Honestly are you watching the same live feed,did you hear what he said to Josie.He was gutted to hear what Crab eyes was saying ,Josie agreed,in facr Josie thought they were bitching about her,Josie will do anything to have him close ,she wants him ,Crab eyes could not give a sh* t about her.
Yes, I'm watching the same live feed.

I thought he was going to use the information to have a bit of fun at John James' and JJ's expense, not burst into tears.

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