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What a kn-b, pot kettle black spring to mind? Im starting to dislike him more than Shabby

Poor Ben has not had the best start to Day 21 in the Big Brother House.

The well spoken Tory was literally forced out of bed this morning when his mattress was risen to the point where he had to actually walk out of bed.  The other sleepy housemates suddenly perked up as they witnessed Ben's ordeal.

Ben was not happy to say the least as he tried to get back to sleep but the tickle button had been pressed in John James who started to laugh out loud at the situation.

Ben suddenly turned on the Aussie snaring 'John, I do not appreciate you laughing at this event, I was very tired and I didn't find this funny.  Why is it that when I was lifted up into the air, the only person I could hear was you'.  John laughed at first but then defended himself saying 'this is why Big Brother chose you to wake up this way, they know that you can't take a joke!'.

The pair of 'friends' continued to bicker and it seems that there is some underlying tension between them.  Ben continued to snap at John: 'you always repeat yourself and I find it very annoying.  Just understand that you and I are very different.'

John and Ben continue to argue as everyone else gets ready for the day ahead.

Watch this space for any more news on this argument... you know you'll hear it hear first.

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He just seems to feed off others vulnerabilities - perhaps he thinks if he keeps pointing out everyone else's weaknesses, no one will see his.

nail, head
Isn't that what most bullies are about? I bet he has all sorts of insecurities and worries going on. So he puts on this tough front and makes everyone else's life hell.

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