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On the subject of Rachael, while I do feel sorry for her being on the receiving end of JJ's hostility, the fact remains that she does give some really nasty looks to people.  Specifically Dave and Sunshine.  She has done since the start.  So if nothing else, at least the point JJ is making is valid, even if he has laboured the point far too long.
the fact that he stood in the garden the night before saying how much he hated Rachael for almost 3 hours didn't help. Then to follow it up the next night with telling her for almost another 2 hours about how he doesn't like her face reinforced it. Now tonight he's had another go at her

Yep, [sic] he pussy-footed about - loss sleep, then made his approach. 

He is indeed a **nt
Ok she has a "Look" that has been seen as "snotty"...But compare her to Govan, Sunshine, Ben, Shabby, JJ. can you honestly say she has behaved worse than them?
No .............but the whole point is - the 'look' is there for everyone to see ......the gossipping is done in secret. That will not endear her. No one is perfect but that look ...........kind of says 'I love me' ...........'who the hell are you?' It's not nice. I'm not saying she's the worst of the bunch but ..............DEAR ME ...........GET OVER YOURSELF RACHEL! You really aint all that.
Soozy Woo
No .............but the whole point is - the 'look' is there for everyone to see ......the gossipping is done in secret. That will not endear her. No one is perfect but that look ...........kind of says 'I love me' ...........'who the hell are you?' It's not nice. I'm not saying she's the worst of the bunch but ..............DEAR ME ...........GET OVER YOURSELF RACHEL! You really aint all that.
Wow.... Rachel is a very attractive girl IMO, also a a complete Dead ringer for Beyonce, who I also consider a beautiful woman.
Senora Reyes
I guess its ok for a man to verbally attack an attractive girl just because she knows she looks good, my crystal ball tells me if the attackee was a less attractive female, ofcom's phone would have been off the hook. Double standards anyone? Racheal hasnt even bitched about housemates JJ is one of the biggest bitches and he makes the weird facial expressions too much worse than Racheal.
Erm ... OK
*Tucks shar under Daves bingo wing*....

Well I think Rachel is arrogant and way too fond of herself. She does have a look that implies that the person having the benefit of it has just crawled from under a stone. It's not an unconscious look......meaning something else at all. JJ was very astute with regard to Rachel tonight.....and the crying was more for the sympathy vote than anything else. JJ is an Aussie.....they tell it straight how they see it, no pussyfooting, I know that from experience...tact is not in their vocabulary
Totally agree AKT....
I guess its ok for a man to verbally attack an attractive girl just because she knows she looks good, my crystal ball tells me if the attackee was a less attractive female, ofcom's phone would have been off the hook. Double standards anyone? Racheal hasnt even bitched about housemates JJ is one of the biggest bitches and he makes the weird facial expressions too much worse than Racheal
So does that make me jealous of her then, cause I dont see it like you. Also when did this 'verbal attack' happen
Rachel has been acting for the cameras from the minute she stepped from the car.....she has used that nasty look from day one. We all have a 'look' sometimes, yes JJ and most of the others do too,but there is no denying that JJ has her number well and truly sussed.
Exactly and she does'nt like it that the one bloke she fancies has her card marked....
So proud of JJ tonight for telling Rachael just how that nasty sneer she does makes him feel (and it would me as well) - it is downright demeaning and just the sort of thing nasty little school girls do.  I`m pleased he was up front with her about it - someone needed to tell her.

I can`t see anything, yet, to dislike JJ for - he`s typical Aussie and I like it.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
when did this 'verbal attack' happen
 Over the past three night JJ has belaboured the point to anyone who will listen, whilst scowling and throwing daggers at Rachel, how much he hates Rachel, when Rachel told him in tonight's HL show that she knew he didn't like her, JJ being the PUSSY he is couldn't admit none of his hatred to Rachel's face...So much for "Telling it like it is"
Senora Reyes
JJ is an Aussie.....they tell it straight how they see it, no pussyfooting, I know that from experience...tact is not in their vocabulary
aint that the truth lol!!! i have a LOT of Aussie family!

i can't stand the looks rachael gives people, my best mate does something similiar but not half as snarly..and she does it when she doesn't like someone or someone says something she finds is pretty much the same reasons rachael seems to use it...only she is constantly doing it!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH
Over the past three night JJ has belaoboured the point to anyone who will listen, whilst scowling and throwing daggers at Rachel, how much he hates Rachel, when Rachel told him in tonight's HL show that she knew he didn't like her, JJ being the PUSSY he is couldn't admit none of his hatred to Rachel's face...So much for "Telling it like it is"
Upfront my arse, he is just as 2faced as the rest of the 2facers. Gosh I have never disliked a housemate like I dislike him.
So proud of JJ tonight for telling Rachael just how that nasty sneer she does makes him feel (and it would me as well) - it is downright demeaning and just the sort of thing nasty little school girls do. I`m pleased he was up front with her about it - someone needed to tell her. I can`t see anything, yet, to dislike JJ for - he`s typical Aussie and I like it.
LOL's Stinks I saw when he mimicking her, I'm talking about when he was bitching about her to others, and referring to Rachel as "Her".
I have a friend who detested her boss cos he was so hard on her..I told her he fancied her she would'nt believe me..they've been together 13 yrs maybe its a case of hate before like, she'll stay on Friday and I bet she's a better person after that....

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