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Sorry stonks, but I can't agree.
I think he is hard, fairly humourless, with beady flitting eyes and a hard set mouth.
I also think he is prepared to  flit about from one to another if it suits his purpose.
I find him rather unsophisticated and even a bit naive.
I most certainly would not trust him. Not at all!

Sorry to differ  
I don't like him, the fact that he stood in the garden the night before saying how much he hated Rachael for almost 3 hours didn't help. Then to follow it up the next night with telling her for almost another 2 hours about how he doesn't like her face reinforced it. Now tonight he's had another go at her and she is in tears again. He's a Tw*t.
Sorry stonks, but I can't agree. I think he is hard, fairly humourless, with beady flitting eyes and a hard set mouth. I also think he is prepared to flit about from one to another if it suits his purpose. I find him rather unsophisticated and even a bit naive. I most certainly would not trust him. Not at all! Sorry to differ
No worry's we all can't like the same people but I like people who say it as it is unlike some who spend all night smoking and biatching....
o Josie is way more needy than Rachel. I bet if JJ had spoken to or treated Josie in the same manner, Josie would garner more sympathy than Rachel. Seems to me Rachel is beautiful, she knows she is, so by that defination people think its ok to judge her and hate her on that basis alone.
I like Josie and I don't mind Rachael just that Josie is down to earth and Rachael thinks every man should fancy her, she's very shallow and good at the biatching with the others in that crowd....
Seems to me Rachel is beautiful, she knows she is, so by that defination people think its ok to judge her and hate her on that basis alone.
I don't think it's quite as simple as that. She thinks she's beautiful - she thinks people should adore her and she's giving off the wrong vibes. When they enter the house - they enter as equals .......she really does literally look down her nose at people. It's been noticeable from day one - that's no way to endear yourself to fellow HM's. incidentally - I really don't think she's anywhere near as gorgeous as she thinks she is.
Soozy Woo
"like Josie and I don't mind Rachael just that Josie is down to earth and Rachael thinks every man should fancy her, she's very shallow and good at the biatching with the others in that crowd...."

So far I have not really heard Rachel bitch half as much as Shabby, Govan, Sunshine, JJ or Ben. But somehow she is deemed a bitch?
Senora Reyes
JJ is my fave too....despite my bowler I dislike Rachel because of the way she looks at people....not the way she looks. I'm glad JJ told her about that look. She needs to know if she uses it people ain't gonna like her. No one likes to be looked at like a piece of poo.
Exactly Ducky, noone likes to be looked at like that....
"I don't think it's quite as simple as that. She thinks she's beautiful - she thinks people should adore her and she's giving off the wrong vibes. When they enter the house - they enter as equals .......she really does literally look down her nose at people. It's been noticeable from day one - that's no way to endear yourself to fellow HM's. incidentally - I really don't think she's anywhere near as gorgeous as she thinks she is."

Ok she has a "Look" that has been seen as "snotty"...But compare her to Govan, Sunshine, Ben, Shabby, JJ. can you honestly say she has behaved worse than them?
Senora Reyes
"Strangely John James gives "funny looks" too.
It's often the case that things we don't like in others are displayed in ourselves"

Spot on Brisket, JJ absolutely adores himself, he is rude, and patronising...He is doing a lot deflective behaviour towards Rachel. If JJ or anyone attempted to speak to me like that, I would wipe the floor with them.
Senora Reyes
Well I think Rachel is arrogant and way too fond of herself. She does have a look that implies that the person having the benefit of it has just crawled from under a stone. It's not an unconscious look......meaning something else at all.
JJ was very astute with regard to Rachel tonight.....and the crying was more for the sympathy vote than anything else.
JJ is an Aussie.....they tell it straight how they see it, no pussyfooting, I know that from experience...tact is not in their vocabulary

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