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I am not going to try and justify JJ's behaviour - the man is a nasty piece of work. BUT I think that Rachel needs to back off. I am watching catch up ATM - she actually finds him 'fit' - the man is nothing but rude to her and all she does is bleat "but he is fit and I fancy him...." I think she cannot come to terms with the fact that he appears not to find her gorgeous.

Is she that shallow - really? Surely if a bloke is that horrible you would do your best to avoid him ( and vice versa).
Perhaps someone could shed a light on this because I am baffled.

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I partly blame Josie and Govan for inflaming the situation.
Those two continually harp on at JJ trying to change his mind about Rachael - or in Josie's case, convince him that he fancies Rachael.
Then, as you said, they tell Rachael that JJ probably fancies her, and the silly girl seems to believe them.
Or maybe she simply can't believe it's possible that he doesn't fancy her?

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