To the cameras, he plays up to them all the time, even his fire exit antics all for camera time.
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Aren't they all? 

Not to the lengths he goes to, on off Josie luvving, DR he loves her, he loves he not, all for more camera time
Mmmm, I just assume, by definition, by dint of wanting to be there in the first place, they're all fame-whores. Camera hungry. Isn't that the only reason for going on it? 

To the cameras, he plays up to them all the time, even his fire exit antics all for camera time.
So you mean that slightly longer than necessary pause before John James broke the fire exit catch was to give the cameramen plenty of time to ensure he was in focus?What a surprise!
So you mean that slightly longer than necessary pause before John James broke the fire exit catch was to give the cameramen plenty of time to ensure he was in focus? What a surprise!

a-hem....... his name is CRAB-EYES!!!!!!
Former Member
a-hem....... his name is CRAB-EYES!!!!!!
a-hem....... his name is CRAB-EYES!!!!!!
Sorry Barmybrummie, Crap-eyes it isReference bateman Today at 00:42:
Mmmm, I just assume, by definition, by dint of wanting to be there in the first place, they're all fame-whores. Camera hungry. Isn't that the only reason for going on it? 
This is why I was staggered by the audacity of the HMs who accused Sunshine of being an attention-seeker - I mean: Pot? Kettle? Black? 

'can u guess what I'm gonna do next.... (to win) - in my best Rolf Harris voice obviously....
'course u can - fair dinkum - u told me n Jose the other night in the DR.....'..... 

'can u guess what I'm gonna do next.... (to win) - in my best Rolf Harris voice obviously.
You wouldn't, the RSPCA might have something to sayI thought crapeyes and Jossy were moving their beds further apart, more for the cameras
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