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Have you noticed JJs bottom lip.
It sometimes sticks out in a sort of pouty position, curving over and downwards.
I see it now in my head - the child JJ doing his mardy lip and crying (or pretending) to in order to get his own way.

He has also said this afternoon that the worst thing of all as far as he is concerned would be to know that people in the house did not like him. Not the public, but people in the house.)
I immediately thought 'Well that starts with you JJ; if you start showing a bit of respect you may get some back."
JJ had told Mario that their relationship was the equivalent of JJs relationship with Josie.
He pretty much regarded Josie in the same way as he regards Mario.
JJ also said he would not wish to become sexually close to Josie either inside or outside the house.
It's amazing that their communication is so pathetically poor that JJ and Josie have not made this quite clear to each other. A bit less anger and Fing from JJ and a bit less giggling and thumb sucking from Josie, and they might have understood each other by now.
Unless they misguidedly think we viewers are gripped by the whole thing. Perish the thought.

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