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It looked like he was going by the show of hands to me,  They only has a minute to decide.
I think he was doing it the fairest way TBH ....a show of hands all round. It was a bit mad and confusing but I think he followed the general consensus of opinion in there.

Obviously those who dislike JJ will see it any which way they choose.
Soozy Woo
Basicly JJ chose his fan club to go in and join him...forget about Ben winning, the newbies wil hate him and vote him out...put your house on JJ winning now.
Laura said she's not interested in John James at all.  She also said her favourite housemates is Corin, who was one of John James' targets of bitching and verbal aggression.  Probably why she doesn't fancy him tbh.
forget about Ben winning, the newbies wil hate him and vote him out..
And why would that be? Because they've seen footage of what a spoilt, petulant , two faced HM he is? .........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmI wonder why.

Just because he pre fixes every bitching session with 'you know that I adore him/her but..........'  or 'I absoloutely love them to pieces but ..........'. doesn't make him a bloody Saint.

Ben is incredibly underhand and ........unlikeable too IMO.
Soozy Woo
Erm sorry but are there different shows on?..they all had 60 seconds to agree and he went with the show of hands, yes we all can think that fast.
I think he did incredibly well under pressure. A show of hands was the only way to go certainly looked to me as if he went with that .............must have been difficult with all the shouting and screeching.
Soozy Woo
A show of hands was the only way to go certainly looked to me as if he went with that .............must have been difficult with all the shouting and screeching.
It was chaos. He took liberties choosing 5 over 4 but let's face it if you were a HM and somehow found yourself in control in that situation you'd do the same thing.
Erm sorry but are there different shows on?..they all had 60 seconds to agree and he went with the show of hands, yes we all can think that fast..
Errrrrrrm....i believe we were watching the same show and,
IMO he partly went with the show of hands/the shouts of the HM's respective preferences.
But partly discarded the said preferences.
Oh, and sarcasm being the lowest form of wit - doesn't equate to "lol" moment dear.
Reference Sky Today at 01:10:
 IMO he partly went with the show of hands/the shouts of the HM's respective preferences. But partly discarded the said preferences.
From watching it again, I think this is broadly correct.

After the initial voting, the general consensus was for 2, 4 and 5. However Rachel lobbied heavily for a re-count on number 1, which they did. John James was one of those who voted for Jo in the re-count, and he then started to lean heavily towards 1, 2 and 5. The others suggested various combinations of 1, 2, 4 & 5, but John James got his way.
Eugene's Lair
Errrrrrrm....i believe we were watching the same show and, IMO he partly went with the show of hands/the shouts of the HM's respective preferences. But partly discarded the said preferences. Oh, and sarcasm being the lowest form of wit - doesn't equate to "lol" moment dear.
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm grow up its only a show..and sarcasm is the highest form of wit to some of us dear..did you lose your ÂĢ100,000 oh no wait your a forumer not a HM dear....

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