The Can Of Worms

Posted on 10/01/2012



In a recent post BBC Stop Jimmy Savile Child Sex Claim Programme, I ended the post saying “Maybe, someone doesn’t want a can of worms opened .” The ‘can of worms’ I was referring to was the ingrained paedophilia within British institutions from the 1960s onwards . My area of research takes in the south of England and I realise it has effected all parts of the British Isles eg North Wales Bryn Esten child care paedophile enquiry, the Kincora boys home in Northern Ireland and the unanswered questions in Scotland regarding Dunblane, Thomas Hamilton and Hollie Greig .

Jimmy Savile is a good place to start, to open the can of worms . Savile was one of the top TV presenters in Britain from the 1960s onwards . During his career, there were suspicions and claims he was a paedophile but due to his profile and money, he was able to quash these allegations . It is only with his death are the victims coming forward and journalists within the BBC gained interviews with three women who said they had unpleasant experiences with Savile when they were teenagers but we do not know what these claims entail, as the BBC hierarchy spiked the programme .


It seems Savile had a penchant for underage teenage girls, and whilst some would say this is pretty low down on the list of paedophile behaviour, it is still upsetting for his victims . But where Savile becomes interesting is his link to Jersey . When the abuse at Haut de la Garenne in Jersey became public, Savile claimed not to have visited the school at Haut de la Garenne but The Sun newspaper then published an old photo of Savile at the school (see above) . Savile’s reaction was to slap an injunction on The Sun who had to withdraw the picture .

Jersey is where the story gets very dark . A politician in Jersey, Senator Stuart Syvret had investigated claims from adults who had been in the care of Jersey Social Services when children and uncovered systematic abuse, both physical and sexual, centred on a state run school Haut de la Garenne . Unknown to him, Jersey police led by Lennie Harper were conducting their own enquiry  and it soon became a big media story . Predictably, the Jersey establishment attempted to limit the damage and accused Syvret of “shafting Jersey internationally” and with the retirement of Harper from the police, the investigation closed for all intents and purposes . Stuart Syvret has just served two months in prison on dubious data protection charges . Nice people in Jersey .

A few individuals were charged but it soon became apparent that the abuse at Jersey was not a private matter . Syvret discovered that Jersey was a centre for paedophiles for Britain’s rich and famous . From correspondence, he received :

“The plot thickens! I wonder who else amongst Jersey’s ever so distinguished government and residence will be exposed for what they really are?

Many, many years ago when aged about 14/15, a well known and convicted Jersey paedophile told me (as he and his sicko friends entrapped me), that he supplied children from HDG and Jersey in general, to well known TV personalities!

The link between Jersey paedophilia and these `celebs’ was the Jersey `Opera House’!”

Reading between the lines, he was given names but for whatever reason did not go public with them but he did out Wilfred Bramble, an actor famous for his role in Steptoe and Son (remade in America as Sanford and Son.) One of the comments on his blog, referred to Jimmy Savile and Edward Heath a former British Prime Minister and it seems Jersey was well known amongst the paedophile world, where you could go for your kicks and it would be supplied .

However, it appears police on the mainland in Britain knew about Jersey during the investigation in the early 1990s, into a paedophile ring which had wormed its way into Islington council in London and preyed on the children in its Care homes . The Islington enquiry into the paedophile ring was a disgrace and Margaret Hodge, later Minister for Children! attempted to close down the investigation . Only four people were disciplined by Islington Council and the police failed to investigate whether there was any link to the murder of Jason Swift who is believed to have lived in Islington council’s Conewood Street .

A journalist, Eileen Fairweather who had investigated the Islington case in the 1990s, disclosed in 2008 the link between Islington council and Jersey and also revealed police suspicions that powerful and wealthy men were involved .

From Mail Online :

I met the frightened policeman at an isolated country restaurant, many miles from his home and station. Detective Constable Peter Cook had finally despaired, and decided to blow the whistle to a reporter.

He was risking his career, so made me scribble my notes into a tiny pad beneath the tablecloth.

He had uncovered a vicious child sex ring, with victims in both Britain and the Channel Islands, and he wanted me to get his information to police abuse specialists in London.

Incredibly, he claimed that his superiors had barred him from alerting them.

He feared a cover-up: many ring members were powerful and wealthy. But I did not think him paranoid: I specialised in exposing child abuse scandals and knew, from separate sources, of men apparently linked to this ring.

They included an aristocrat, clerics and a social services chief. Their friends included senior police officers.

Repeatedly, inquiries by junior detectives were closed down, so I, a journalist, was asked to convey confidential information from one police officer to others. It seemed surreal.

We did, however, prove that every home included staff who were paedophiles, child pornographers or pimps. Concerned police secretly confirmed that several Islington workers were believed "networkers", major operators in the supply of children for abuse and pornography.

Some of these were from the Channel Islands or regularly took Islington children there on unofficial visits. In light of the grisly discoveries at Haut de la Garenne, the link now seems significant, but at the time we were so overwhelmed by abuse allegations nearer home that this connection never emerged.

What we did report prompted the sort of vehement official denials that have come to characterise child abuse claims. Margaret Hodge, then council leader, denounced us as Right-wing "gutter journalists" who supposedly bribed children to lie.

Now, this is where some readers will part from me because I’m going into David Icke territory – Satanism – but what the hell, in for a penny in for a pound . One of the names which keeps cropping up is that of former British Prime Minister Edward Heath and not only with reference to Jersey .

From The Biggest Secret :

One of the many unconnected people who have identified Heath as a Satanist was the lady I mentioned earlier in the book â€Ķ

This lady was the wife of the Head Keeper at Burnham Beeches (in Buckinghamshire near to the British PM’s official residence ‘Chequers&rsquo and they lived on the land. She had been brought up by a Satanic family in Scotland â€Ķ Her husband was also a Satanist which is why he was given the responsibility of looking after Burnham Beeches, and area of ancient groves and forests managed by the authorities in London â€Ķ

Late one night in the early 1970â€ēs during Heath’s reign as Prime Minister â€Ķ she saw some lights. Quietly she moved closer to see what was going on â€Ķ it was a Satanic ritual and in the circle was the then Prime Minister, Edward Heath â€Ķ


edEdward Heath on ‘Morning Cloud’


It’s not the only time, Heath has been outed as a Satanist . A self acclaimed Australian Satanist, Aloysius Fozdyke wrote a post for the Henry Makow website :

Meanwhile in Britain, Bob Boothby and Tom Driberg, apart from being homosexuals, were also active Satanists. Tom’s cover of Anglo-Catholicism kept him out of a lot of bother. Both were involved behind the scenes in organizing for Harold Wilson and Edward Heath to become Prime Ministers of Britain, as Wilson was a high initiate of the left-hand path . Heath, on the other hand, was the highest initiated Satanist in Britain to become Prime Minister.

Even occultists know little, if anything, about Bob or Ted’s visits to the ancient sacrificial Wood in Clapham, Sussex and their association with certain people in the surrounding areas. The Wood holds some serious secrets stretching back in time to before Roman Britain and indeed it still does. From what I’ve been told, one day some of these hidden horrors will be found, but by then those involved will be long dead.

“The association with certain people in the surrounding areas” is a reference to a group who have become known as ‘The Friends of Hecate’ . I would be surprised if this was a real title but became public after a local man, Charles Walker was threatened by a man who claimed to be part of this group and practised their activities in Clapham Woods near Worthing . Charles Walker had researched the disappearance of dogs in the vicinity and after posting an ad in a local paper was contacted by The Friends of Hecate . Click Charles Walker Interview to read more .

On 1/7/2000 a beautiful 8 year old girl, Sarah Payne was abducted and murdered by a very dark individual, Roy Whiting who lived in Littlehampton, West Sussex . I won’t go into the full details in this post but I believe Whiting was connected to this group and the murder was an occult ritual – see a previous post Sarah Payne – Suffer The Little Children . The British public may forgive Jimmy Savile and his attempts at getting underage girls into bed, but they won’t forgive Whiting .

I could go on ad nauseam but hope this indicates the dysfunction within the British establishment . Unfortunately, the full stories very rarely becomes public and as soon as an investigation is started, either pressure from on high disrupts the investigation or a few individuals are thrown to the lions to show justice is being done, but nobody looks any further .

I would hesitate to call it a paedophile ring, as there are too many people involved and it is over a large area but there seems to be some form of psychic force which links it all together . People know people, who know people and those in authority can carry out their deeds with very little fear of being caught . Of course, it helps if you are friends with the Chief Constable or a Cabinet Minister !