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I can't decide with any degree of certainty that Jim is genuinely socially clumsy or whether he is on a wind up, with regards to Linda, Linda is her own worst enemy, she has a very jaundiced view of Jim and that affects how she views and reacts to anything he says or does, she always attributes the lowest possible motive to him.


I'm glad he apologised ...if only for his own sake ....but personally I wouldn't give Linda the time of day . She comes across as a very bitter woman to me ....and sits there with a face like a slapped rear ....even when she's not having a go at Jim . The only time she gets animated is when she and her ...happily decreasing... coven are baitching!

Originally Posted by Baz:

I'm glad he apologised ...if only for his own sake ....but personally I wouldn't give Linda the time of day . She comes across as a very bitter woman to me ....and sits there with a face like a slapped rear ....even when she's not having a go at Jim . The only time she gets animated is when she and her ...happily decreasing... coven are baitching!



He was the bigger person and apologised, but I have to say, I think the manner in which he finally 'snapped' and bit back at her was pretty restrained considering the way she's been with him since day one.   I don't know how he's kept his cool for so long and you can bet your boots if he'd been calling her the way she calls him there would have long since been a campaign to 'get the bully out'.     Whatever form of therapy he's having is paying off in spades.


I couldn't stand her sister but at least she had a smile on her face from time to time, which is more than can be said for professional victim, Linda.

Originally Posted by Kaffs:

He was the bigger person and apologised, but I have to say, I think the manner in which he finally 'snapped' and bit back at her was pretty restrained considering the way she's been with him since day one.   I don't know how he's kept his cool for so long and you can bet your boots if he'd been calling her the way she calls him there would have long since been a campaign to 'get the bully out'.     Whatever form of therapy he's having is paying off in spades.


I couldn't stand her sister but at least she had a smile on her face from time to time, which is more than can be said for professional victim, Linda.


Linda Nolan has told her housemates exactly what happened in Frank Carson’s dressing room after an argument with Jim Davidson yesterday.


Linda and Jim clashed last night with Jim bringing up an incident involving Linda’s late husband Brian, who died from cancer in 2007.

In tonight’s show, Linda is seen in the diary room crying and talking about Jim.

Linda says: “I don’t want him to apologise, I don’t need his apology, I just need him to keep away from me that’s all.

Later, Linda is talking to Lee about what happened in Frank Carson’s dressing room.

She explains: “25 years ago, money went, ÂĢ25 went missing from Frank Carson’s dressing room and my Brian was accused.”


Linda added: “he went to court for it and he pleaded guilty cos papers were door stepping the family and he couldn’t put everyone through it and it nearly killed him.”

In the end, Linda and Jim’s feud comes to a rather anti climatic end as the TV hosts apologises for his remarks.

Jim tells Linda: “Lin, I’m really really sorry about last night, it wasn’t meant to be like that I swear to god I’m sorry.”

Celebrity Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

Originally Posted by Baz:

I'm glad he apologised ...if only for his own sake ....but personally I wouldn't give Linda the time of day . She comes across as a very bitter woman to me ....and sits there with a face like a slapped rear ....even when she's not having a go at Jim . The only time she gets animated is when she and her ...happily decreasing... coven are baitching!

Exactly Baz! 

Originally Posted by erinp:

Linda Nolan has told her housemates exactly what happened in Frank Carson’s dressing room after an argument with Jim Davidson yesterday.


Linda and Jim clashed last night with Jim bringing up an incident involving Linda’s late husband Brian, who died from cancer in 2007.

In tonight’s show, Linda is seen in the diary room crying and talking about Jim.

Linda says: “I don’t want him to apologise, I don’t need his apology, I just need him to keep away from me that’s all.

Later, Linda is talking to Lee about what happened in Frank Carson’s dressing room.

She explains: “25 years ago, money went, ÂĢ25 went missing from Frank Carson’s dressing room and my Brian was accused.”


Linda added: “he went to court for it and he pleaded guilty cos papers were door stepping the family and he couldn’t put everyone through it and it nearly killed him.”

In the end, Linda and Jim’s feud comes to a rather anti climatic end as the TV hosts apologises for his remarks.

Jim tells Linda: “Lin, I’m really really sorry about last night, it wasn’t meant to be like that I swear to god I’m sorry.”

Celebrity Big Brother 2014 airs tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

Read more: Follow us: @tellymix on Twitter | tellymix on Facebook

I was reading around to find out what happened. .Apparently it was on CCTV so the BIB is a load of ol tosh..


Still think it was a low blow of Jim to bring it up. .Linda may be a miserable old bag but so is Jim  and he seems to forget he was under arrest this time last year but no one, on HL's or Vids anyway, has thrown 'Yewtree and other Investigations' at him. . Low blow and unnecessary. . she also omits the fact Jim and her Husband had a massive row about the incident .. very clearly bad blood between them, they should have left it all at the door when they went in. .


They all seem to be catching the Lee disease. .hear something and then make up your own slant on what it was that they  'heard'.. ...

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I knew Brian for several years and he married a friend of mine, they had a daughter. After their divorce he met Linda and moved to Blackpool so I didn't see him after that. When I heard all those years ago of what he was accused of I was really shocked. Since Jim mentioned that incident I've been thinking about his daughter who would be in her twenties now if my maths are right. What if her friends never knew about it until now? it's possible because of the age/s they watch CBB. It's being discussed online and off so Jim's slip of the tongue has not only hurt Linda but possibly others. Brian was prosecuted and paid the price of humiliation as well as a fine, I bet the former was harder to live with.

Jim has been entertaining on the show but he really went too far bringing that up especially as Brian has died. I believe he's really sorry and will possibly feel guilty for some time. I never met Linda so I'm not saying this because I'm a "fan" of her on the show but I know that she and Brian had a really happy marriage and she's had a tough few years with her own cancer scare, losing Brian and losing her sister. She's accused of looking miserable, well life hasn't been very kind to her the last few years.

Yellow Rose

YR, whilst I agree that Jim went too far with his remark about Linda's husband, I think he realised that he had and his apology was genuine and heartfelt.

TBH, Linda's attitude towards Jim has been terrible from Day 1. She has picked fights over nothing, tried to turn the others against him, slagged him off to anyone who will listen and goaded him for no good reason. I wasn't surprised when he finally hit back at her - in fact, I was surprised it took him so long. Linda was determined to make Jim snap to show everyone that her hatred of him was justified, but all she has done is show everyone what a miserable, spiteful person she is.

I hear what you say about life not being kind to her, but many people have suffered as many heartaches (if not more) than Linda, and still haven't become as nasty as she is.


Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


No one asks for that sort of low blow... .if Jim has a problem with her talk it through properly. .same for her.. no need to bring up unrelated stuff . .very childish.. it's what uneducated people do when they feel they are losing an argument..  they can't construct a decent response and finish off with something like yeah well your feet stink anyway or other such insults..


I think Linda is coming over as a very bitter and sour woman but by the same token I think Jim comes across as someone trying to pretend he is something he isn't and faking a new persona..


I also believe there is a lot we don't know about why Linda dislikes him so much.. apart form the fact she probably finds him intimidating for whatever reason, which is her problem not his.. some people have that affect on us they grate on or make us feel uncomfortable and in a lot of cases with usually no explainable reason..


she looks like she is constantly waiting for him to say something that grates on her so she can have yet another dig. . Jim's very dry and straight faced sarcasm with nasty bite attached doesn't help matters either..

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I think she asked for it and then some, Olly, sorry.    So maybe Jim is being fake, but maybe, just maybe he's trying to be a changed man.  If he is, she's sure as hell not going to help him.   I can't bear it when people use their troubles to play the victim and expect everyone to pussyfoot around their sensibilties and let them off with bad behaviour because of it.  TBH, I've seen much more nastiness from Linda than I have from Jim and I've heard him ask her several times exactly what her beef is with him and she won't talk.   He's walked away rather get into a slanging match every time until that time.   She's a nasty one woman pity party and she needs a wake up call.   don't think this one worked though.


Edit - and i don't think she's the slightest bit intimated by him, I'm not sure where you get that from.    You don't keep poking someone with a stick if they intimidate you, surely?

Last edited by Kaffs
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


Mine too Rosie ...she really is a bitter woman ...with what seems like a whole bag of chips on her shoulder !

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


No one asks for that sort of low blow... .if Jim has a problem with her talk it through properly. .same for her.. no need to bring up unrelated stuff . .very childish.. it's what uneducated people do when they feel they are losing an argument..  they can't construct a decent response and finish off with something like yeah well your feet stink anyway or other such insults..


I think Linda is coming over as a very bitter and sour woman but by the same token I think Jim comes across as someone trying to pretend he is something he isn't and faking a new persona..


I also believe there is a lot we don't know about why Linda dislikes him so much.. apart form the fact she probably finds him intimidating for whatever reason, which is her problem not his.. some people have that affect on us they grate on or make us feel uncomfortable and in a lot of cases with usually no explainable reason..


she looks like she is constantly waiting for him to say something that grates on her so she can have yet another dig. . Jim's very dry and straight faced sarcasm with nasty bite attached doesn't help matters either..

Fair points you make Olly. It was a low blow. He did apologise and genuinely regrets it i.m.o.


I used to share your view and felt Jim was keeping up an act for the cameras. The things he comes out with though, are obviously life strategies he's learned in therapy so maybe he's a changed man, trying to do things better?


Jim's surprised me in there; he's quite a complex man.


Never thought I'd side with him, as I hated him for his anti Irish standup. There was a time when some people genuinely did think the Irish were congenitally stupid. No-one did more to perpetuate the Irish-are-slow and slightly subhuman stereotype, than him in the 70's and beyond. 


Wonder is that partly the reason for [Irish] Linda's animosity to him?


Originally Posted by Kaffs:

I think she asked for it and then some, Olly, sorry.    So maybe Jim is being fake, but maybe, just maybe he's trying to be a changed man.  If he is, she's sure as hell not going to help him.   I can't bear it when people use their troubles to play the victim and expect everyone to pussyfoot around their sensibilties and let them off with bad behaviour because of it.  TBH, I've seen much more nastiness from Linda than I have from Jim and I've heard him ask her several times exactly what her beef is with him and she won't talk.   He's walked away rather get into a slanging match every time until that time.   She's a nasty one woman pity party and she needs a wake up call.   don't think this one worked though.


Edit - and i don't think she's the slightest bit intimated by him, I'm not sure where you get that from.    You don't keep poking someone with a stick if they intimidate you, surely?

That's how I see it too Kaffy . 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


Mine too Rosie ...she really is a bitter woman ...with what seems like a whole bag of chips on her shoulder !

Definitely Baz  If i may borrow one of your quotes ... she's a cah!

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


Mine too Rosie ...she really is a bitter woman ...with what seems like a whole bag of chips on her shoulder !

Definitely Baz  If i may borrow one of your quotes ... she's a cah!

She certainly is Rosie....a Grade A cah


Loads of posts appeared after I submitted, this was to kaffy's post


By intimidated I mean something about him rattles her, makes her feel unsettled, on edge uncomfortable..  hence her always being on the defensive with him and taking  anything he says and does as being purposely aimed at her or pulling him up on every little thing,,.


As for Jim he's said a few things in there that have made me feel that he has been told by his agent to act a certain way that isn't the real him..  maybe to get more work which probably dried up due to his arrest. . I don't trust him one bit.. he even admitted to someone, Lionel I think, the other week that he is a MCP. . he also made a comment about wishing he didn't have to wear a suit all the time and wanted to go back to jeans and a pullover. .it's like they are trying to create a 'new' Jim... but the real one comes thru now and then... and that one was not a nice person...


I don't like either of them tbh but I still don't feel Jim going down the bring that sort of old stuff up route was the way to deal with a silly argument.. whatever Linda is she didn't deserve that really low blow, after all she's the one in the house not her husband, and he was a bastard for resorting to something like that.. regardless of how bitter and twisted she has been or still is... it was uncalled for 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


Mine too Rosie ...she really is a bitter woman ...with what seems like a whole bag of chips on her shoulder !

Definitely Baz  If i may borrow one of your quotes ... she's a cah!

She certainly is Rosie....a Grade A cah

so cos she is a grade A cah she deserves a load of shite being dredged up and shoved in her face that is not even about her it's about someone long gone..  I don't get it, I really don't.. it's like anything goes cos she is a cah... sorry but....

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Linda kept goading Jim. He'd insult her back, but kept it light and jovial. Next strategy was to walk away to avoid conflict - but she even taunted him for that! Its sad that Linda's suffered tragic life events, but the malice, the venom in her is frightening to behold.


My temper would have snapped too in those circumstances. Just watching Linda badgering him, was so stressful I was swearing at the telly!!! 


Sorry but she really did ask for it.


Mine too Rosie ...she really is a bitter woman ...with what seems like a whole bag of chips on her shoulder !

Definitely Baz  If i may borrow one of your quotes ... she's a cah!

She certainly is Rosie....a Grade A cah

so cos she is a grade A cah she deserves a load of shite being dredged up and shoved in her face that is not even about her it's about someone long gone..  I don't get it, I really don't.. it's like anything goes cos she is a cah... sorry but....

I think the point Olly is,  that Jim made the remark after being pushed and pushed by her ....he realised later he had overstepped the mark and apologised ...but it wasn't good enough for her . And in fairness , it was Linda that actually brought her husband up ....not Jim ....had she not been so intent on stirring things up for Jim none of them would have been any the wiser as to what went on in that dressing room.. Plus , she later put her own spin on things , and made it sound as if her husband had confessed not because he did it ( and beEn apparently recorded doing it )  but because of media pressure . 

Last edited by Baz
Originally Posted by stonks:

She was involved in it, after her husband was confronted with the thefts that had been going on (it was'nt a one off) Jim and him had a big arguement, Linda got involved and got to blokes to throw Jim out....

On BOTS Colleen mentioned a spat years ago. However she said Linda got Jim thrown out of a club for making sexist remarks   


Linda's prone to telling porkies though - claiming her husband was innocent but pressured to confess [not mentioning the CCTV evidence] and also that Jim said in her earshot that she was an ****hole.

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:

She was involved in it, after her husband was confronted with the thefts that had been going on (it was'nt a one off) Jim and him had a big arguement, Linda got involved and got to blokes to throw Jim out....

On BOTS Colleen mentioned a spat years ago. However she said Linda got Jim thrown out of a club for making sexist remarks   


Linda's prone to telling porkies though - claiming her husband was innocent but pressured to confess [not mentioning the CCTV evidence] and also that Jim said in her earshot that she was an ****hole.

Can you imagine years ago Jim being thrown out of a club for sexist remarks when thats how he made his living joking about these things cos I can't..The Nolans are always making their own history especially when they're infighting with each other..

I got the feeling when Linda went in that she was trying to recreate Colleens time in there, when Colleen was playing the victim over Julie Goodyear..

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:

She was involved in it, after her husband was confronted with the thefts that had been going on (it was'nt a one off) Jim and him had a big arguement, Linda got involved and got to blokes to throw Jim out....

On BOTS Colleen mentioned a spat years ago. However she said Linda got Jim thrown out of a club for making sexist remarks   


Linda's prone to telling porkies though - claiming her husband was innocent but pressured to confess [not mentioning the CCTV evidence] and also that Jim said in her earshot that she was an ****hole.

Can you imagine years ago Jim being thrown out of a club for sexist remarks when thats how he made his living joking about these things cos I can't..The Nolans are always making their own history especially when they're infighting with each other..

I got the feeling when Linda went in that she was trying to recreate Colleens time in there, when Colleen was playing the victim over Julie Goodyear..

Most definitely Stonks  

Maybe also, she remembered Denise Welch and Ulrikka Johnson's wins? They were seen as feisty females standing up to chauvinist men. That gameplan hasn't worked! 


Thanks for the extra info... Yep- it doesn't make sense! It struck me as odd, that Jim was thrown out of a nightclub for passing sexist remarks. If clubs threw out every leery bloke who made a dodgy remark,  they'd go out of business  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by stonks:

She was involved in it, after her husband was confronted with the thefts that had been going on (it was'nt a one off) Jim and him had a big arguement, Linda got involved and got to blokes to throw Jim out....

On BOTS Colleen mentioned a spat years ago. However she said Linda got Jim thrown out of a club for making sexist remarks   


Linda's prone to telling porkies though - claiming her husband was innocent but pressured to confess [not mentioning the CCTV evidence] and also that Jim said in her earshot that she was an ****hole.

Can you imagine years ago Jim being thrown out of a club for sexist remarks when thats how he made his living joking about these things cos I can't..The Nolans are always making their own history especially when they're infighting with each other..

I got the feeling when Linda went in that she was trying to recreate Colleens time in there, when Colleen was playing the victim over Julie Goodyear..

Most definitely Stonks  

Maybe also, she remembered Denise Welch and Ulrikka Johnson's wins? They were seen as feisty females standing up to chauvinist men. That gameplan hasn't worked! 


Thanks for the extra info... Yep- it doesn't make sense! It struck me as odd, that Jim was thrown out of a nightclub for passing sexist remarks. If clubs threw out every leery bloke who made a dodgy remark,  they'd go out of business  

Agreed she does seem very clued up on the game..

exactly..she's had it in for him from the get go....


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