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Loathsome Kyle is more and more sounding like his guests.
He is also shouting more than ever.
Every guest shouts "liar"
Why don't they fix the chairs to the floor to prevent quests trying to shift them?
I don't always want to hear "those all-important lie detecor (or DNA) results" - occasionally I'd like to hear the `ordinary` results.
The best part of the show is when Will walks on and off the stage with an envelope.
Will has interesting hips and groin.
I think the Jeremy Kyle show could now be run by a robot.
It is so predictable.
For example - phrases we hear on every programme:
"A big, big welcome"   (always 2 'bigs')
"All important lie-detector results"  (always all important)
"Well, well, well" before announcing results following a silly extended pause. (always 3 'wells')
"It says the Jeremy Kyle show" (pointing to a sign on the wall.
And - the daftest thing of all - he still sits on the floor.
He talks more like his guests too. He shouts more, drops his Ts more.
He clearly whips the audience up into a particular viewpoint so the next guest gets a dodgy welcome. Then later he turns it all around, so that the baddie becomes reasonable and the original goodie turns out to have faults.
So predictable.
It is all so deja vu these days.

Strange one where all the young guests (2 males, 2 females) all spoke, like, innit,
in that strange sort of way (do they call it patois? - I may be wrong). They all spoke in a way which sounded like black people although they were all white innit, right.
Innit right?
I thought "Oh what a strange world lies ahead of us."

I still think the best bit is Will bringing on the envelope.
Why do the guests put up with it?
I presume they are advised that they will be verbally attacked, but then later Mr Kyle will put a gloss on it, and flip things over.
He gets worse. I expect the nasty  man and his nasty producers have got away with so much that they now feel they can go even further.
He actually blatantly threatens and bullies people. "Come back here", "He'll have me to deal with",  "I won't let her within a thousand miles of you."
He screams and bellows centimetres from their face.
"Sit down and shut up!"
He whips the audience into the state he requires for his needs. (He wants certain guests to get booed you see). Sometimes he plays 'good cop bad cop' and flips the whole situation so that the villian leaves to cheers.
A vile and obnoxious man.
A young man has been thoroughly, humbled, humiliated and made to look weak.
And all because his girlfriend is massively insecure.

And another thing - what sort of a counsellor is Graham (the man Kyle describes as a genius.)?
He stands idly by while Kyle does his grossly offensive and disturbing behaviour. What sort of a therapist and counsellor would do that?
One who makes a lot of money and because a celebrity that's who.

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