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OK, I know what your thinking, why is EC watching Jeremy Kyle?


Well I'm doing stuff around the house and it's noise to keep me company.


But I've noticed a couple of things.


  • Most of the women seem to have a piercing in their top lip.
  • A high proportion of the men don't have many teeth.
  • The contestants have ridiculous lives. I mean one woman had met a guy, after two months things got rocky in their relationship, six months in they were engaged!!! and a year later on Jeremy Kyle because she is sending explicit text to another man (but not meeting him). 

WOW - Are these people for real?



Replies sorted oldest to newest

I watched yesterday but had to turn it off. The noise was awful. Everyone screaming and shouting. Plus i couldnt work it out. A man was seeing the daughter, but ended up with the mother, but he was gay, and  i think they had a child 
Not sure if these people are real, are they??

On a positive note, i do know the team work hard, behind the scenes, and help addicts etc. Pity they have to make a plonker of themselves on TV first though...

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

If you possess teeth and are not a dirty big fat liar you aren't allowed on the JK show. Fact!


Having said that it is my guilty pleasure wake me up with a  cuppa morning viewing..

You and my sister would get on well. She cant go out these days till Jeremy is finished  

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Sorry olly, but I think the ppl who watch this carp are perpetuating the negative daytime dross that we have atm.


Unfortunately the daytime audience is quite small compared to evening viewing therefore the TV companies will not spend lots of money on programming when most are at work.


Programmes like Kyle and This Morning are very cheap to produce and that's why you see them in the main (along with classic films - not recent blockbusters).


In all honesty I don't see these types of programmes disappearing.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Sorry olly, but I think the ppl who watch this carp are perpetuating the negative daytime dross that we have atm.

Were or are you a BB fan?  you must have been at some point to have been part of the BB forum.. 


So that's ok to watch is it?


same shit different setting...


I admit I have guilty pleasure viewing in the day. . part of it wakes me up of a morning and part of it keeps me company during the day and is white noise that I dip in and out of . part of it makes me go and part of it is drivel or makes me go   and some makes me go at least I am not just sat here staring at 4 walls and am getting some input into my life that evokes different emotions.. you take it where you can ..


I save my good programmes that I have recorded for the evening.. when the other crap TV is on..  like football or soaps...


Sorry if my TV viewing habits don't meet your standards..


ps you can always turn over, there are a zillion channels on day in day out.. and JK is only on one of them

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Sorry olly, but I think the ppl who watch this carp are perpetuating the negative daytime dross that we have atm.

Were or are you a BB fan?  you must have been at some point to have been part of the BB forum.. 


So that's ok to watch is it?


same shit different setting...


I admit I have guilty pleasure viewing in the day. . part of it wakes me up of a morning and part of it keeps me company during the day and is white noise that I dip in and out of . part of it makes me go and part of it is drivel or makes me go   and some makes me go at least I am not just sat here staring at 4 walls and am getting some input into my life that evokes different emotions.. you take it where you can ..


I save my good programmes that I have recorded for the evening.. when the other crap TV is on..  like football or soaps...


Sorry if my TV viewing habits don't meet your standards..


ps you can always turn over, there are a zillion channels on day in day out.. and JK is only on one of them


I have to say Olly that I tend to agree that BB is not a million miles from Kyle especially when you think about the types of people that have been on BB, the incidents that have occurred  and post programme issues that have been reported.


I too have used Kyle as background noise dipping in and out as I do other things.


I also believe that soaps are low brow repetitive TV. They say nothing new and just repeat story lines with new (or in some cases) old characters. If the money spent on soaps over a year was redirected to higher quality dramas and factual programming then I think it would be a good thing.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Completely agree with you EC... 


I have various forms of TV I like to watch. . some are frivolous . .some are what I call my snuggle in and tut away in pretend feelings of superiority mode... Some are educational . . some are series I follow and enjoy.. and sorry to say a lot of those are US ones..


I thank the lord every day that we aren't in a country where the TV is  run by the Government showing non stop religious or government sanctioned political broadcasts/shows 24 hrs a day..  so yeah give me the JK claptrap drivel anytime over that..


unfortunately not a lot of the decent programmes are on the Main channels anymore. . apart form the tutting ones.. Oh and QI 


The main channels, and ITV is bad for this, have maybe one good show/drama and repeat it throughout the week or weekends. . if not they repeat the footy a half hour after having shown the whole thing. .


but above all my TV is my company and I like the noise of it and the feeling I am not alone.. plus the various convos I have with it such as telling it to shut the F up if someone I hate comes on.. and what is even better it doesn't talk back to me.. Ever! 


so my word to anyone that wants to make it only ever educational or have a purpose which they deem is more educational and fitting is go swing  [or move to oppressed countries where you have no choice at all then start moaning] and leave me to my frivolities and escapism thank you very much.. tho I draw the line at X Factor and BGT but am happy for others to watch them if they so please..   

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Sorry olly, but I think the ppl who watch this carp are perpetuating the negative daytime dross that we have atm.

Were or are you a BB fan?  you must have been at some point to have been part of the BB forum.. 


So that's ok to watch is it?


same shit different setting...


I admit I have guilty pleasure viewing in the day. . part of it wakes me up of a morning and part of it keeps me company during the day and is white noise that I dip in and out of . part of it makes me go and part of it is drivel or makes me go   and some makes me go at least I am not just sat here staring at 4 walls and am getting some input into my life that evokes different emotions.. you take it where you can ..


I save my good programmes that I have recorded for the evening.. when the other crap TV is on..  like football or soaps...


Sorry if my TV viewing habits don't meet your standards..


ps you can always turn over, there are a zillion channels on day in day out.. and JK is only on one of them

Olly, my post wasn't a personal attack on you, but it must be possible for me to voice my opinion. We all seem to agree that trashy magazines are printed because ppl read them, this is the same and yes, BB is similar but not quite so vacuous as the endless stream of DNA testing etc. I'm just not interested in what goes on behind closed doors.

cologne 1

Cologne. . where in my post did I say you couldn't voice your opinion? But, as I voiced mine and you replied to it you should expect that if you voice yours you will get replies too, especially if one of your opinions is addressed to someone in particular as yours was in this case..


it's the way the world works. .


and if you don't want to know what goes on behind closed doors turn over, or if you meant behind my closed doors then skip over my posts.. 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Cologne. . where in my post did I say you couldn't voice your opinion? But, as I voiced mine and you replied to it you should expect that if you voice yours you will get replies too, especially if one of your opinions is addressed to someone in particular as yours was in this case..


it's the way the world works. .


and if you don't want to know what goes on behind closed doors turn over, or if you meant behind my closed doors then skip over my posts.. 

Sorry Olly, I can see how that might have come across. All I meant to say was that I didn't want you to take it personally, just the opposite to the way you picked it up, but I was a bit clumsy and should have made that clearer. As to your closed doors, I expect they're a bit like mine, too much time spent inside and relying a bit on diversions. Truce?  

cologne 1
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

Jeremy Kyle is the most odious creature on the show. Despicable man!

Yep! Watching him is like being like being clobbered over the head with a rolled up copy of the Daily Mail!

What the clip i posted!! It's an edit that takes the pee

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


How good (acurate) are the lie detector tests I wonder ?

supposed to be 94%, which still allows for the 6% to be wrong!



have you tried kyle bingo?

jot down phrases such as:

put something on the end of it!

i would do anything for my kids

get a job

my taxes buy your kids nappies  ect, first to fill their card wins

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

Jeremy Kyle is the most odious creature on the show. Despicable man!

Yep! Watching him is like being like being clobbered over the head with a rolled up copy of the Daily Mail!

What the clip i posted!! It's an edit that takes the pee

No, just generally speaking!


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