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Hi Devil,
Aww I bet i'ts emotional. Kids with dissabilities was only really brought home to me relatively recently. I've become friends with this couple, and it turns out they have an autistic child. It is all so terribly sad, their child needs 24/7 care - for the rest of her life . The side I see is one I'd never considered before - the effect on the parents. They get out once a week from 5pm till 9pm - which is when I see them. This is the only time they both have a social life. One time they could stay out until 10:00pm, as it ticked to 10 o'clock they both cheered. This was the first time in 8 years that they had been out later than 10:00pm. The strain on this lovely couple is intolerable - both physically and mentally. She has even turned to self-harm . After a large struggle with social services, they finally were granted 'respite' where for a couple of days, the child goes into residential care. This couple are twisted with guilt over this - it is a relief, but the guilt they feel is just as bad. I just feel so incredibly sorry for them. They are only in their mid-thirties . But for the grace of god.... (btw of course the plight of the child is clearly awful as well - i just wanted to share this new perspective that I have come to see )
Perones It is very emotional, and as you say such an emotional burden (if that's the right word to use) on the Parents. My OH was working at a house this year for 6 months and he grew very friendly with the couple who live there.  They have a disabled Son, he's only 3 and in a wheelchair, he was born unable to use his legs, so sad....and I can honestly say he is the most upbeat, happy child I have ever been lucky enough to meet.

The Devil In Diamante
God - I caught the fag-end of it today, and I wish I could have reached into the telly and thumped him.

Using those two little girls with Progeria (for what? laughs? look how compassionate I am?) was revolting. Especially when he made the pair of them stand together, just so he could say they looked "like twins".

Of COURSE they look alike, you sodding ignoramus - they have a genetic condition that CAUSES them to look like that.
Fecking IDIOT
I'm just watching the Jeremy on ITV2 and I'm speechless.  The first guests are twins who work in porn and escorting, with the fiance of one of them who wants her to change her career.  I really, really can't believe that there could be a man alive who could be so desperate to want to either sleep with one of these monsters or watch them in a film.  Surely an inflatable doll would be a more attractive option? or even a vacuum cleaner nozzle?    

He doesn't say "Welcome to the show" - he always says "A big, big welcome to the show."  Every day the same old thing.
It's never the "lie detector results"  - it's always "the all important lie detector results."
He now, more than ever actually screams, shouts and bellows at people. Extremely rude and obnoxious.

Most of his guests say "basically" over and over.
"Look at me; look at me." Kyle yells.
He asks a question and on getting an answer says "Don't tell me tell her(him)."
And, most rude and stupid of all - he sits on the floor!

When there is a female offspring involved, less than 5% refer to her
as a "daughter".
The other 95% call her "daugh'er" (or is it daw'er, or dow'er?)

Why, these days are there lots of programmes with the same `guests` returning to be on a second time?
Because the Kyle show is running out of guests.
No, it's because they had such a laugh the first time, and they are such exhibitionists that all the protagonists agreed to do a second show. They love it so much.

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