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I've nothing negative to say about anyone who does what they need to do, or can afford to do, that makes them feel better about themself. What I've never understood as I don't know much about him, is why he's a judge on DOI. What are his qualifications to be a judge, has he ever skated? ever danced? what's his background, in what?


Most shows now have a judge just to add controversy, it pulls in votes, I can't stand him and think he goes too far with personal and unnecessary remarks, obviously what he was hired for as the others won't say what he says. 

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've nothing negative to say about anyone who does what they need to do, or can afford to do, that makes them feel better about themself. What I've never understood as I don't know much about him, is why he's a judge on DOI. What are his qualifications to be a judge, has he ever skated? ever danced? what's his background, in what?


Most shows now have a judge just to add controversy, it pulls in votes, I can't stand him and think he goes too far with personal and unnecessary remarks, obviously what he was hired for as the others won't say what he says. 

He's a Choreography Director or something like that in the West End, has worked on loads of shows and is a dancer himself. (Can't be bothered to google him cos it'll only make his ego swell even more).


I did, however, see him on This Morning when he was talking about his hair transplant and to be fair it wasn't an easy process. It took 8 months to complete as it had to be done in stages, he also showed a much softer side to his character when he was talking about it, it was clear that how much losing his hair affected him and how much it meant to have it back.


Saying that though, I don't like him on D.O.I. I can kinda see why he's there (to talk about posture and stuff), but he doesn't need to get so nasty or so personal - especially given that he's judging amateurs, most of who have had to learn to skate let alone put on a full dance performance on ice. He judged them like he was judging the bloody winter olympics and his desire to be the Simon Cowell of the show has always backfired.


I don't understand what the hell Emma Bunton's doing there, either. She went to stage school and by luck ended up in a band that got big because of their manager, not because of any discernible God given talent. A previous winner would be more qualified to judge than she would. (Just not Ray Quinn cos he's an annoying little shit).


The only ones I take seriously are Robin Cousins, Torvill and Dean and Karen Barber.


Oh ey up I've gone off on one again


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