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Who's comparing?

But if you want too....

Hmmm, would I rather watch a housemate that just exercises and gurns or a housemate that would wind up everyone? Hmmmmm, cor I dunno, its a bloody tough choice.
would I rather watch a housemate that just exercises and gurns or a housemate that would wind up everyone?

Sam didn't wind up "everyone".  He belittled Josie for a week, then behaved for a week (while up for eviction), and then relentlessly picked on Corin for the last week, and was duly evicted by the viewers.  I wish people would stop rewriting history.  He wasn't a fantastic prankster.  He was a weedy immature runt who burst into tears when John James told him off.
Reference: spidey
Sam didn't wind up "everyone". He belittled Josie for a week, then behaved for a week (while up for eviction), and then relentlessly picked on Corin for the last week, and was duly evicted by the viewers. I wish people would stop rewriting history. He wasn't a fantastic prankster. He was a weedy immature runt who burst into tears when John James told him off.
Hahaha, on spider, you really like bringing up the 'crying' thing don't ya?

He got upset because he heard someone he thought was a good friend slagging him off. And in the heat of the moment he let his emotions get to him. Call it what you like about Corin, but he wasn't the only one involved and his hiding of the wigs was funny (to me anyway). He livened up the last few weeks of BB11 and would be perfect for Ultimate Housemate.

Not everyone liked Sam, which is absolutely fine, but the fact you would want Jason back? Now thats baffling.
but he wasn't the only one involved

True.  Once he was put in his place by John James, Sam became completely submissive to John James and focussed his nasty behaviour towards John James' least favourite housemate, Corin.
I despised Jason. he just sat around sulking after that blond South African made it clear she wasn't into him and threatened to bash a guy half his size! Total bellend and the worst runner up ever!
am didn't wind up "everyone".  He belittled Josie for a week, then behaved for a week (while up for eviction), and then relentlessly picked on Corin for the last week, and was duly evicted by the viewers.  I wish people would stop rewriting history.  He wasn't a fantastic prankster.  He was a weedy immature runt who burst into tears when John James told him off.

that's how I seen him too Spider, and I think if he's been in from the beginning he wouldn't have made the final week.
Seeing Victor reminded me why the Jungle Cats were so damn awesome, and now Josie and Coolio have buggered off I think it is time for a reunion!!

They were brilliant,  Ahmed just didn't care about what anyone thought.
Sam Pepper is a wet fart who cries like a baby when someone tells him off for being immature. He should not be compared with the Jungle Cats.
Jungle Cats by name, waste of space rubbish housemates by nature!
you're joking ..... jason was a sh!te HM imo .... the only reason he got to the final was by default .... It was all down to a "collective jungle cat vote" against the lip gloss bitches as I remember
ѕρι∂єямσηкєγ offline 7619 Forum Posts Yesterday at 2:44 PM Seeing Victor reminded me why the Jungle Cats were so damn awesome, and now Josie and Coolio have buggered off I think it is time for a reunion!!
Without a doubt!  Get rid of Michelle and replace her with Jason
I also liked it when Davina asked him when he left the house "We know you're not a sandwich, but if you were, what type would you be?" and he enthusiastically told her he'd be a baguette, while grabbing his groin.

That series had some right moments.

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