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Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

DS seem to think if Jasmine's mum wins the task,then jasmine will re enter the house.

I bloody hope not.  It was bad enough when we had to vote freakin Nikki Grahame out twice.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

DS seem to think if Jasmine's mum wins the task,then jasmine will re enter the house.


why? she was bloody well voted out...its not like she is in the super star bracket, I'm sure Channel 5 and endemol are running out of ideas 

You could well be right there 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

DS seem to think if Jasmine's mum wins the task,then jasmine will re enter the house.


why? she was bloody well voted out...its not like she is in the super star bracket, I'm sure Channel 5 and endemol are running out of ideas 

i agree , always a bad idea to send in an HM that has been voted  out, whether its a save or an evict vote the outcome is the same, they've been evicted never to return.



as the secret task is today I wish they would hurry up and get it over and done with as it is going to be another highlight show centered around this and deflected once again away from some housemates who are just not getting airtime 

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

She actually called her "A whore".

Jas said on Twitter she called her a whore because of a pic she found online where Danica is posing for a chat line number. She posted a link but not sure I should post it here

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Correct Kaffs, bloody hell we can get bitchy, but don't think any of us are capable of being that damned nasty in here, never mind in people's faces!

see, danica claims she likes what she does and doesn't have a problem with it at all, so i don't really see the problem with jasmine telling her she's a prossie, cos its not that removed from the truth..

Sometimes it ain't wot you say but the way that you say it. She said it with venom whilst looking down her snooty nose and clearly thinking she is far superior. As I've said before, there are many 'shades' of prostitution

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

If Jasmine and her mother carry out their secret mission without the housemates working out Marilyn's true identity, the ex-housemate will win a very special reward, which will be revealed later. If they fail the mission, the housemates will win a reward instead.

I don't like the sound of that... it better not be going back in the house.  why is she getting the chance of a reward anyway - what happened to her one way ticket back to obscurity?

As long as it's just a few decent meals and a spell in The Priory I don't mind 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Correct Kaffs, bloody hell we can get bitchy, but don't think any of us are capable of being that damned nasty in here, never mind in people's faces!

see, danica claims she likes what she does and doesn't have a problem with it at all, so i don't really see the problem with jasmine telling her she's a prossie, cos its not that removed from the truth..

I think it's the double standards that piss me off...  she's itching to tell the story of her relationship with Simon Cowell.  You think that's not about the money?   (ohh.. I went all Jessie J there.. you need to kill me now)

Yeah... she was allegedly with him for four years not six months as is widely reported and she's known him since she was a kid..he's 26 years older than wonder he's gagged her!


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