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Originally Posted by San:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Having read both articles ^^^^ and seeing her manipulative performance last night, I don't believe Jasmine is doing this for her son. I think she is doing this for her own benefit of fame and fortune. Not an attractive personality at all but, despite being scrawny (doesn't TV add 10lbs in appearance? ), she can be physically attractive in some shots. I hope she's the one to be evicted this week

 I agree San but I was a little shocked when I found out her age,imo she looks much much older....I also felt angry at her tbh,angry that imo she was using her little boy to further her poor me crusade at being nominated....She comes across as a very jealous spiteful woman, her holier than thou attitude when it comes to Dannica is very nasty ,little does Rhian know she's not been too kind about her either,get her out ASAP!!!

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Does anyone know what this amazing story about her son is?

I assume Aimee, that it's the story re her and her ex that I posted the link to earlier in the thread: volatile relationship, drugs and violence and he's very recently been ordered by the court not to have any contact with her for three years. There's also stuff on her twitter, (erinp posted link in this thread,) where she's serving him for child support and she's saying that he's more interested in crack, fame and porn stars than he is her and their son, so presumably he's neither supporting them financially or having any contact his son.

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Does anyone know what this amazing story about her son is?

I assume Aimee, that it's the story re her and her ex that I posted the link to earlier in the thread: volatile relationship, drugs and violence and he's very recently been ordered by the court not to have any contact with her for three years. There's also stuff on her twitter, (erinp posted link in this thread,) where she's serving him for child support and she's saying that he's more interested in crack, fame and porn stars than he is her and their son, so presumably he's neither supporting them financially or having any contact his son.

Thanks supes don't really see whats so amazing about that, im sure theres plenty of women out there dealing with violent ex's

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Does anyone know what this amazing story about her son is?

I assume Aimee, that it's the story re her and her ex that I posted the link to earlier in the thread: volatile relationship, drugs and violence and he's very recently been ordered by the court not to have any contact with her for three years. There's also stuff on her twitter, (erinp posted link in this thread,) where she's serving him for child support and she's saying that he's more interested in crack, fame and porn stars than he is her and their son, so presumably he's neither supporting them financially or having any contact his son.

Thanks supes don't really see whats so amazing about that, im sure theres plenty of women out there dealing with violent ex's

No, I agree, it's not that remarkable Aimee, but must have been v difficult for her all the same. It seems that she's struggled with mh and anger issues for a long time:

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

how old is she? some reports say 24, others say 27 ? either way she looks 50

Think she is 27  I had her down as in her late 30,s at least

long paper round......



Wow - 27 !!!! I had to Google that and check. I have seen my first episode where she got put up for eviction, I thought she was in her 40's !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not liking her at all or those crazy ugly sunglasses and that finger jewellery.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

If she was on the verge of a breakdown and suicidal, then surely the last place she should be is in the CBB house? 


It seems to me that every time her 'appeal' starts to wane she ramps it up with another 'story' - or should I say, excuse for an attack on someone.  As for the story about her son - meh.  I could lend her the t-shirt (it'd drown her ); her feisty attitude has now spilled over into outright bile spitting venom.


Any value she had as a HM is now gone and never to return.

Done with her. 


jasmine crying

Celebrity Big Brother’s Jasmine Lennard has revealed she’s still in love with  Simon Cowell, and wants to get back with the music mogul!


The pair reportedly enjoyed a six-month affair back in 2006, at the same time  that Simon was dating Terri Seymour.

Speaking about her relationship with the X Factor boss to fellow CBB  housemate Samantha Brick, Jasmine confessed: “I loved the guy. I loved him like  he was my family – I still do.

“There’s still no other man in this house, in this town, in this country, in  this world, that’s the love of my life.”

She added: “He was the love of my life the moment I saw him and he will be  for ever more.”

Asked by Samantha if she’d want to get back with Simon, Jasmine nodded.

She explained: “He’s a very different kind of guy. He fell out of love with  me, he had a different lifestyle.”

Jasmine faces eviction from the celebrity big brother house this week alongside Rhian  Sugden.

The one with the fewest votes will be kicked out in a live show on Wednesday  night on Channel 5.

Read more:


I think the only person Jasmine truly loves is herself. I'm not keen on Simon Cowell either as I find him quite cold and inanimate.

The article about Jasmine serving her son's father for support saying he is 'more  interested in crack, fame and porn stars' than he is in the child makes me feel sad for the boy. His father is apparently not interested in him and his mother doesn't come over as making him her priority in her self absorbed quest for fame . Many children have to grow up without a fathers presence and very little money yet not many mothers behave as Jasmine is doing. Poor kid, two parents more interested in themselves than him, shame Jasmine can't see she's not much different to his father

Originally Posted by San:

I think the only person Jasmine truly loves is herself. I'm not keen on Simon Cowell either as I find him quite cold and inanimate.

The article about Jasmine serving her son's father for support saying he is 'more  interested in crack, fame and porn stars' than he is in the child makes me feel sad for the boy. His father is apparently not interested in him and his mother doesn't come over as making him her priority in her self absorbed quest for fame . Many children have to grow up without a fathers presence and very little money yet not many mothers behave as Jasmine is doing. Poor kid, two parents more interested in themselves than him, shame Jasmine can't see she's not much different to his father

Spot on San ,she is all me me me .When she apologised to Danica last night on the HL show she managed to turn it ito a convo about herself and the dark places she has been .As you say "Poor kid"

Originally Posted by erinp:

Spot on San ,she is all me me me .When she apologised to Danica last night on the HL show she managed to turn it ito a convo about herself and the dark places she has been .As you say "Poor kid"

 The apology wasn't genuine anyway, it was because she was concerned for her self portrayal and image. She was more genuine/natural in the morning when she declared she was going to be a bitch all day and say whatever she felt like saying. Hopefully only a few more days of her spite though 


She is also well known for, and has talked about doing the 'Okie Cokie' for years.I saw her on Richard and Judy after the Rep thing talking about it with a big grin on her face. Apparently she started on it when she was 14. So pots and kettles do really spring to mind on everything I have heard her say so far on CBB.

As for Simon Cowell, he probably sussed her for the money grubbing, most insincere person that she is, and I wonder if she would be so interested if he didn't have squillions in the bank.

Originally Posted by Sezit:

She is also well known for, and has talked about doing the 'Okie Cokie' for years.I saw her on Richard and Judy after the Rep thing talking about it with a big grin on her face. Apparently she started on it when she was 14. So pots and kettles do really spring to mind on everything I have heard her say so far on CBB.

As for Simon Cowell, he probably sussed her for the money grubbing, most insincere person that she is, and I wonder if she would be so interested if he didn't have squillions in the bank.

Not a chance .Jasmine wants a guy who is rich enough to keep her in a certain lifestyle.Jasmine has delusions of grandeur.

Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

Is she really that bad girl portrayed in her VT?


She seems rather interesting and articulate - capable of holding a meaningful conversation - always a plus in the BB house! Early days though...


i read thread title and thought she was an olympian throwing the discuss


spelling was never my thing

Originally Posted by Sezit:

She is also well known for, and has talked about doing the 'Okie Cokie' for years.I saw her on Richard and Judy after the Rep thing talking about it with a big grin on her face. Apparently she started on it when she was 14.

Ah, I had wondered about that. Explains why she looks so much older than her years.


I'm starting to get quite cynical.......with the lack of live feed, C5 can chop this show into a 'real world'MTV/TOWIE clone, and I'm thinking that Jasmine has been paid well to act up and give them headlines and promotion for CBB.

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Gosh erin


Of course it's a non story, or else they would have to take her  out.


Wouldn't they?

Last night HL show did not reflect what the live twitter was saying ,tonight some of what was put on twitter was shown but not all.Jasmine had a fight with Harvey and it was Samantha that was left to calm Jasmine down.This was all going on up until twitter stopped at 2am.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I'm probably a lone voice here but I'd like her to stay longer although she obviously won't win. Never heard of her before and I can see she's controversial and provocative but I find her more interesting than Rhian at this stage of the show although Rhian seems a nice girl so far. The one I'm most not sure about is Danika, one to watch from observation.

Same here.

At this stage the blondes (The Blandes ) are all interchangeable for me and I'd never heard of any of them before anyway.

She won't win but I can't be doing with the fake romance nonsense being plied by Danicia 9sp) and Rhian. It so passe...


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