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I've been half-making apple crumble, Daniel.  Done that, have you?!  Well, have ya????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
We don't have ovens ourselves.  No need, you see.  We just go out and eat in swanky restaurants and sip over-priced Nicaraguan coffee in non-chain caffeine-related outlets.  It's the gay lifestyle.  The East European partners are like the muffins, optional but quite nice as a side dish now and again.
I can't believe the daily mail is standing by her!  I wonder if all those parents of adults who died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome feel there was something 'unnatural' about their child's death?

There are unanswered questions?  What bloomin business is it of hers, if there are unanswered questions?  If you're a journalist you're supposed to ask questions not flap your gums with homophobic 'sleazy' tripe.

I have to say, I'm not a Boyzone fan by any stretch of the imagination, but the amount of negative tabloid bile over this 33 year old's death is so bad.  It's sensationalism journalism at it's worst.  Each paper trying to spout the most shocking accusations to sell more papers and profit from his death. 

Anyhow, I know the convo has moved on, but I just had to get that out and whilst not wishing to appear hypocritical, shall I go down to the funeral today and wave to you all?
Is it contagious? Can I catch the gay by sitting down on a public loo? I need to know these things.
Not from girls loos.  Boys need to be careful though.  The first symptoms of gay are a sudden attention to sartorial detail, followed by becoming dashingly handsome whilst being unavailable to the opposite sex.  Obviously, Stephen Gately was a perfect example of this.  If boys catch the gay then the best treatment is being prayed over, preferably in an evangelical church.  If symptoms persist then electrodes to the bollocks whilst being shown erotic pictures of men has been shown to be very successful.  Well, for upto 4 days afterwards anyway.

Jesus what planet are you on?

A planet which allows me to read an artice and make opinions on it myself - not just follow the crowd!!!

I do not agree with the artice in any way at all however I do not think she was being homosexual - more trying to say that whatever he is alleged to have done the night before caused his death - ie cannabis in his blood stream, heavy drinking etc!!  At the end of the day we don't know the cause of his death and this woman was wrong to speculate in such a way but you can't really call that homophobia!!
I do not agree with the artice in any way at all however I do not think she was being homosexual - more trying to say that whatever he is alleged to have done the night before caused his death - ie cannabis in his blood stream, heavy drinking etc!! At the end of the day we don't know the cause of his death and this woman was wrong to speculate in such a way but you can't really call that homophobia!!
Actually, the post mortem found that he had fluid on his lungs.  That doesn't happen from heavy drinking. There was also a history of heart problems in his family.

When a person has fluid on their lungs, it makes the heart work harder to circulate the blood.  Eventually, it stops and the person dies.
Actually, the post mortem found that he had fluid on his lungs. That doesn't happen from heavy drinking. There was also a history of heart problems in his family. When a person has fluid on their lungs, it makes the heart work harder to circulate the blood. Eventually, it stops and the person dies.

Yes the post mortem did show that - and it could have been caused by heart problems it could also have been caused by choking on his vomit - we do not know what caused it - but that is besides the point and quite frankly none of our business!!  However labelljng someone homophobic because they have speculated is wrong - yes she was out of order writing the article particularly when she is not in possession of all the facts!!!

BTW thanks to everyone for pointing out my error in my last post - but no need to keep repeating it!!

Yes the post mortem did show that - and it could have been caused by heart problems it could also have been caused by choking on his vomit - we do not know what caused it - but that is besides the point and quite frankly none of our business!!
The coroner would know though as the fluid in the lungs would be vomit and that would have been picked up in the autopsy.  As the newspapers quote the court spokeswoman as saying: "He died a natural death of acute pulmonary oedema" which had nothing to do with any consumption of alcohol or drugs" then, well, I think we can rule out choking on his own vomit.  Unless people think the quote was made up.
The coroner would know though as the fluid in the lungs would be vomit and that would have been picked up in the autopsy. As the newspaper quote the court spokeswoman as saying: "He died a natural death of acute pulmonary oedema" which had nothing to do with any consumption of alcohol or drugs" then, well, I think we can rule out choking on his own vomit. Unless people think the quote was made up.

last I heard they cannot be sure what caused the fluid until they receive the results of samples of the fluid which have been sent to Barcelona!!

Dammit, for some reason I am unable to quote

But just wanted to say to Pretty P that I don't agree with you hun. We all know that the media will endlessly speculate and try to find different angles to cover the death of a celeb but that isn't what is causing the uproar over this article.
I could quote bits from it but that would mean going back into the link and I'm damned if I am clicking on their bloody rag again and earning them yet more money. They've probably made a fortune from this as it is.
But, trust me, the whole article is blatantly homophobic. If she wanted to make a point about young men dying in this way (no matter how offensive and wrong her speculation about his death is) then that is one thing. But to link it to his sexual preference is absolutely reprehensible and IS homophobic.

Btw I hope your mum is feeling better now

daily mail has got a good crossword
it tells you about books/films that are coming out-quite good reviews
littlejohns rants are always good, theyre funny
apart from that-i chuck the rest of the paper away

if you wanna read a 'orrible columnist-read maureen messent in the brum evening mail
20 x worse than jan moir-ive read a few of her rants
i throw my slippers at the paper on a friday evening lol
I read the Daily Mail on a regular basis and I like the format so I make no apologies for being a DM reader.  I like some of the regular writers like Liz Jones and Quentin Letts and tend to flick past the writers I don't like .. a bit like on the forum so to speak

Jan Moir has been one of the writers I've enjoyed in the past but her article yesterday entered the realms of bad taste.  The timing of the article - the day before the funeral - was disrespectful to the grieving family.  Not only did the article infer unseemly circumstances surrounding his death, but it cast the net a lot wider and encompassed the lifestyle of civil partners generally.  Her choice of words throughout was unfortunate and the article itself deserves derision for its content.
Twee Surgeon
jan poopoo'd the coroner, who is just a tad more specialised in the field than she is
she insulted stephen's mother by saying "she insists it is a heart problem" (as if she is some mad woman going on and on and not facing facts or something)when in fact the coroner agrees with stephen's mum.
she made some very homophobic comments such as his lifestyle was more than a little sleazy, due to the fact he and his hubby had a male friend over...which ofc they MUST have been shagging...cos they are gay you know. and even if they were...straigh people NEVER have threesomes you straight people are NEVER sleazy.
she said that happy civil partnerships are a myth, i.e there is no such thing and all gay couples are kidding themselves...what about striagh marriage? i'm pretty sure not all of them are happy, and i was under no impression stephen's relationship was UNHAPPY?
she linked two gay men dying recently to prove this weird if being gay means you will die young and unnaturally.
she also said something about tolerating gay people..which got my goat a bit...tolerate? that sounds like she is having a party and doesn;t want the gays to be there but they are so she wont cause a fuss..she will tolerate them...hmmm

AND all this BEFORE the poor bloke is buried!

no not at all homophobic cos her son is gay (god help him)

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