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Reference:  Soozy
if JJ had done it - you would never have heard the end of it.

i started out really liking him,now he's rapidly ascending my dislike meter.
He's already reached the top of mine

Reference: Blizze
I'd call that being a cowardly fascist, tbh.
  and I can go along with that...

Seriously in the minority though... hey ho!
Can't stand God-botherer Dave and usually like Ben, but in this case Dave is in the right.

Ben has been a total lazy wimp and not a team player over the past few days, but putting one of his best mates in to do the punishment for him was really low.

despite Ben's bullshit reasons for doing so, it's obvious to me he did it because he'd get less nasty repercussions from the mild mannered Dave than he would if he had put anyone else in the house in -  all self!

Ben is as selfish as Shabby and dave can go on about it all week as far as I am concerned
Ben (much younger and probably fitter than Dave) opted out and landed his supposed best friend in it. I'd be pretty hacked off with him to be honest.
To be fair Ben took the line that to expect them on a reality show to fall in with the 6-8 solid hours of exercise thing (which don't forget was never put to Dave in quite that threatening way) was ridiculous on a reality show.  He took the view that he wouldn't do it and neither should Dave or any of them.  I agree.  Don't forget Ben had already won the shopping task BB were just taking the proverbial.
Reference: Squiggle
To be fair Ben took the line that to expect them on a reality show to fall in with the 6-8 solid hours of exercise thing (which don't forget was never put to Dave in quite that threatening way) was ridiculous on a reality show. He took the view that he wouldn't do it and neither should Dave or any of them. I agree. Don't forget Ben had already won the shopping task BB were just taking the proverbial.
Reference: Blizzie
Did anyone phone Orfcorm?
Brrrrp brrrrrp! Brrrp brrrrrp!
"Hello, you're through to Ofcom, how may I help you?"
"Oh, hiya, I just wanna complain, right, because it's completely against Ben's hoooman rights."
"What is, caller?"
"Well, right, they made him wear a horrible camo vest and I bet it was synthetic fibre and it could have given him a rash, and.. and.."
"Yes, and how dare they punish him for breaking rules? Who are they to make up the rules and stifle his individuality? As I was saying when Hydrangea's teachers called me to her school, lab equipment is meant to be broken, else how do you know how it's made?"
"Erm, is there a point to this?"
"Yeah, well they're bullehs, aren't they? Vile, jellus bullehs, cos his hair's lovely and he talks nice and people like him shouldn't have to do as they're told, should they? Big Brother never even offered him any counselling afterwards, either."
"For what?"
"For post-traumatic stress disorder, of course. And he could have hurt himself doing those push-ups on that hard floor, it's a health and safety disaster waiting to happen, blurghblughwibble.."
"OK, thanks for your call, caller."

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