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but now I absolutely bloody detest the little creep.  The last two days or so, since the TOT thing with Ben, the bible-bashing little shit has, at EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY stuck the knife into his 'best mate' Ben - all with that bloody grin on his face.
Dave is hiding behind 'God' and is assuming that no-one would suspect him of such devious behaviour - but, I watch a LOT of l/f and the h/l shows, and Dave really is a sneaky little prick - he's making sure (in a jokey God-bothering way) that all the other housemates dont forget that Ben did this and Ben did that, and that Ben let the house down - and I bet God will tell him to nominate Ben tomorrow   AMEN!

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but now I absolutely bloody detest the little creep. The last two days or so, since the TOT thing with Ben, the bible-bashing little shit has, at EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY stuck the knife into his 'best mate' Ben - all with that bloody grin on his face. Dave is hiding behind 'God' and is assuming that no-one would suspect him of such devious behaviour - but, I watch a LOT of l/f and the h/l shows, and Dave really is a sneaky little prick - he's making sure (in a jokey God-bothering way) that all the other housemates dont forget that Ben did this and Ben did that, and that Ben let the house down - and I bet God will tell him to nominate Ben tomorrow AMEN!
I couldn't have put it better myself....Dave is a Charlaton.
Senora Reyes
but now I absolutely bloody detest the little creep.  The last two days or so, since the TOT thing with Ben, the bible-bashing little shit has, at EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY stuck the knife into his 'best mate' Ben - all with that bloody grin on his face. Dave is hiding behind 'God' and is assuming that no-one would suspect him of such devious behaviour - but, I watch a LOT of l/f and the h/l shows, and Dave really is a sneaky little prick - he's making sure (in a jokey God-bothering way) that all the other housemates dont forget that Ben did this and Ben did that, and that Ben let the house down - and I bet God will tell him to nominate Ben tomorrow   AMEN!

and breath 

Dave's now in Shabby's gang, or thinks he is 
Actually ...........I don't think I've have been too happy if my mate had ducked out of a task and dropped me in it. It's all very well on the outside to laugh it off but reality - Ben (much younger and probably fitter than Dave) opted out and landed his supposed best friend in it. I'd be pretty hacked off with him to be honest.

Why is Ben immune from any bad mouthing on here? ............He wimped out - he is pathetic - he has nothing about him and yet he still has support. I really don't get it!
Soozy Woo
Why is Ben immune from any bad mouthing on here?
And I was one of the "Badmouthers" but there is an unintentional funniness to Ben, he never seems to get it right, He is the resident "Whipping Boy" in the house, his fued with Shabby is funny, his uncomfortable frienship with Mario(The Weiner comment he made is a BB classic!) I think he would be shocked at the amount of people who are supporting him. I think at the moment he is the most genuinely entertaining HM.
Senora Reyes
Monk Dave is full of Mud Pie, He really should keep his gob shut, I keep saying he's on borrowed time! Plus he looks the clever girl with glasses on Scooby Doo, sorry I can't remember her name was it Valerie?...V-a-l-er-ray-eh-eh!
Velma I look like Velma (well bob and geek specs) this is all very veeeeeeeeery upsetting for me
Couldn`t bear to hear Dave putting Ben down.  It would have been better if Dave had not done it and passed the task on to someone who wanted to do it like JJ. Corin peed me off keeping on cheering Dave - she overdid it as if she was subtely making a point.
Believe me if JJ had done it - you would never have heard the end of it. LOOK Ben chickened out - Dave took it on - GOOD ON HIM - why is everyone defending Ben .........he is quite loathsome IMO ..............he doesn't want to play the game and therefore - he should be voted out. And .............why wouldn't Corin make a point? There was a very good point to be made ..........Ben is a selfish, self centred toe rag!
Soozy Woo
IMO it was Ben who was the courageous one in not doing what some plonker told him to do.
Isn't that what BB's about?He could have got the suitcases back for everyone - he chose to pass on that ............never mind the fact that for a young man it was an embarrasingly poor show wasn't it? The running FFS!!!!!  PATHETIC!
Soozy Woo
"As Ben said, he wouldn't have cared about them all being punished. Dave did care."

Hi Blizzie - Yes, all looks very noble on Dave`s part doesn`t it.  But I think Ben was right not to care - all this `team spirit` baloney is so false when you`re in a house with a load of dick heads.  I think Ben is so courageous to stand by what he believes and not be emotionally blackmailed.  Dave so gleefully announced that Ben was a coward, when the opposite is true imo.  But just my opinion that`s all.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
the only task he's shown effort or comittment to was the one involving him getting his mug on camera  for 9 seconds.
And he just bloody loved that didn't he? 

I really detest Keever and Shabby but ..................if it were a three way contest with Ben .............I just might vote Ben. I hate pathetic individuals like him.
Soozy Woo
Reference: Jeggo
Hi Blizzie - Yes, all looks very noble on Dave`s part doesn`t it. But I think Ben was right not to care - all this `team spirit` baloney is so false when you`re in a house with a load of dick heads. I think Ben is so courageous to stand by what he believes and not be emotionally blackmailed. Dave so gleefully announced that Ben was a coward, when the opposite is true imo. But just my opinion that`s all.
What he believes in is an 'each man to themselves' selfishness, combined with Paternalism.

I'd call that being a cowardly fascist, tbh.

An arm wrestling contest, for all the suitcases back? Hardly a chore!

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