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I don't want a ruck Hobbes - I hate all that.
I disagreed with Poolshark - perhaps I should have been more succinct.
Perhaps i should have said at the beginning what I said halfway through this..

"You have a job Poolshark and you have 2 weeks off over Xmas - you are very fortunate, so stop moaning and enjoy the break" I am saying this as someone who does not have 2 weeks off over Xmas.
But IMO anyone who ever disagrees with him - no matter what they say, is always jumped upon.
I am saying this as someone who does not have 2 weeks off over Xmas.
Not at all Scarlett - I won't be home with my family of 5 children for Christmas day or even for the week after - it doesn't work like that for me- no matter wot time of the day/year  -  we should appreciate the differences in ourselves - not mock or besmurce them!
So Prom thought Poolie to be making a boring comment - ignore it - pass the time of day with him-  - but don't try & belittle him!    - just bad manners as far as I can see!
I must post around here with my eyes shut - or be missing a lot of the time because I didn't think Tony B got jumped on. (I'd do a confused smiley but I don't seem to have that one in my list!)

I've seen him get a telling off over his ranting about various celebrity women but like some other fms who say the feel persecuted I never think it is personal when they get disagreed with; I think it's just a reaction to the subjects they raise and the way the phrase their views.
Maybe I am being naive *shrugs shoulders*
But surely he's entitled to his opinion too, even though we may not agree with it

Sorry but this is getting nasty now.

Slim - we are all entitled to say what we like on here -not everyone can agree - you said yourself the forum would be boring if we did.
Yet you have launched an attack on Prom and got very personal.
Doesn't seem like you at all.
But surely he's entitled to his opinion too, even though we may not agree with it
I don't think I have disagreed with that at any point Pammy - my beef has been with the rude & damn right obnoxious way in which it was written! 
I mean to say - if he came into a thread of yours & said you were out & out boring or a general waste of space - how would you feel ?
Poor Poolie - getting discussed and dissected because of the threads he starts

I can 100 per cent guarantee he won't ever read any of these replies. He starts threads then buggers off and never reads them as Miss Stocking Woman pointed out earlier. Some would call him a waste of internet space but I'm nice so I won't go that far. 'poor Poolie' is blissfully unaware of your love and affection.
But I feel for the guy - it bothers me when I see a fm being picked on by another - another who is old enuff  & bright enuff to know better!

But it comes back to my point - he is bored - I am outraged ( like growly) that he should be.
Why start a thread that you surely must know would provoke a response.
We could go round in circles here Slim and never agree - suffice to say I know I have learned my lesson here.
Who are you to call someone a waste of space!!!

I am me and I speak my mind. Everyone else is free to call me an even bigger waste of space if they feel so inclined. It's just a comment. It's not definitive and it's not final it's just an opinion. I have been wondering all night why you've got so worked up by someone who starts threads then completely abandons them and starts random new ones and to be honest I'm no closer to the truth.
I am me and I speak my mind.
This is true - so I am told by you ..
It's not definitive and it's not final
This is also true ...
I have been wondering all night
Really ? am flattered that you stopped to wonder ...
someone who starts threads then completely abandons them
So he comes on in the day when no one is around - does he sit waiting for someone to answer him ??

to be honest I'm no closer to the truth.
Makes us even then doesn't it! 

In all honesty Prom if a man as intelligent as you like to portray - doesn't see what you are doing then what hope have the rest of us got!  But I suspect you do!
Like you say - our paths need never cross!
Not sure what everyones problem is with Poolshark... perhaps I missed something thats gone on before I don't mind him, perhaps he does read everyones replies but doesnt respond to them? It never stated in the rules that the OP must reply to people who post in his thread... and I would probably do the same if I came under fire for it and let it drop off the first page.

Back on topic though, I feel the same... I usually have so much work to get on with I never get time to sit down and relax, but with no college or work until January now I have nothing to do.
Reference: Prom
I can 100 per cent guarantee he won't ever read any of these replies. He starts threads then buggers off and never reads them as Miss Stocking Woman pointed out earlier. Some would call him a waste of internet space but I'm nice so I won't go that far. 'poor Poolie' is blissfully unaware of your love and affection.
Don`t underestimate Poolie - his heart ticks like yours and mine. 
You can 100% guaranatee can you? How do you or anyone else know what he reads? Because he doesn`t respond doesn`t mean he doesn`t read.
I hope to feck he doesn`t read this though. It`s an outrageous slating of an FM who started a harmless thread.
I`d be very upset if I were him.

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