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I don't remember the whole forum stating they had nothing better to do - like you did - so to speak!

Where did I say that? That wasn't the point anyway. My point is this...

IF your life was that bit more exciting then why wud you be here ???

You're basically saying anyone who comes to this forum has no life, and all because I made a throwaway comment about the thread that you chose to take great offense to for unknown reasons.
Was just pointing out to Monsieur Prom- who seems to have a problem with Mr Poolie!

No problem with him. I don't even know him. I just said the thread bored me and you threw your toys out of your pram much to the glee of The Protectors Of All who see you as some kind of Champion Of The Not Boring But Simply Misunderstood. Feel free to say all my threads are boring I won't hate you for it in fact I'll just laugh.
Reference: Prom
That right there is the problem. Anyone with a differing opinion is the Spawn Of Satan. Seriously, all I said was the thread bored me and slim had an absolute fit. It's beyond ridiculous.
Slim didn`t have an absolute fit - she expressed what she was feeling. Just like Poolie.
It has nothing to do with a differing opinion on this subject Prom. You said the thread bored you, which you`re perfectly entitled to say but it smacks of uncalled for to me.
He was telling us about his day - what the hell is wrong with that? 
It`s a forum - that`s what we do.
Sorry, but I find most of Poolshark's threads mundane and repetetive..... but this is an open forum and he can post what he likes. It's just a shame that he very rarely comes back into a thread he has started to address the forummers who have bothered replying to him in the first place.

This is how I feel.
Of course he can post what he likes BUT equally we should be allowed to respond accordingly.
Exactly I disagreed with Poolshark and got jumped on - as did Prom

Am sure your comment would be a lil bit more constructive than - you bore me!
It is everyones perogative to disagree with a FM post - it is how we do it that bothers me! 
As a community we should be encouraging each other to post, not driving each other away!
Shouldn't we ?
Scarlett IIRC if I recall correctly.

Cologne, yeah I wasn't critcisng really just pointing out the consistency. As I said before, the more the merrier. I don't criticise threads as I don't ever really start any so don't criticise those that do.
But once anyone posts a thread then they have to expect that others may disagree with the content

If a thread really doesn't interest me then I don't go back into it. I don't watch IAC, or SCD so I dont' go in those threads but I am glad they are here as I'm sure they encourage fms to come to the forum

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