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WTF is your problem with this young man ???? So he got bored! Unlike Growlybear - haven't we all been there ??? Gawn tell me your life has been so bluddy exciting!!!

Young man? Sounds more like a child to me. My life is exciting enough thanks, but if it wasn't I wouldn't be on here telling everyone I'd done the washing up, cleaned the floor and was bored and sitting back waiting for fake mum's to show up to tell me it was all going to be alright and pat me on the head.

It's an internet forum slim. You make a thread, people will comment. You won't always hear what you want to hear it's that wonderful thing about us all having different views and personalities isn't it?
see wot you say Scarlet - but the man has every right to say as he feels without criticism from his so called forum pals! or am I wrong ? are we not pals here ? Plus am not sure he is in his thirties - and just minus his Mum

He is in his thirties and had he had posted a thread about his mum or being down or anything like that then fair enough
BUT he petulantly said he was bored - why should we support that?

The great thing about this place is that we can feel free to criticise. I have supported Poolie on other threads - this one I felt that he was being ridiculous...
Slim, I feel we are here because we've all been a bit of a small community for some years and can trust each other. That shouldn't mean that we always agree (as you don't agree with prom in this instant), but we don't seem to have raving rows anymore and I think that's great. I like prom, I like poolie, it's no big deal. Group hug?  
cologne 1
FGS cant we share our feelings then? I thought most of us knew each other, its not exactly a huge forum. plus whats wrong with people being down? I am of the school of thought that if you cant say something nice dont say anything. And if a thread isnt to your liking dont read it , i dont see the point of being nasty for the sake of it
FGS cant we share our feelings then?
Clearly not because if we comment
on anything that Poolshark posts we are out of order.
I have supported him on more than one occasion but the moment I disagree I feel that I am picked on for daring to disagree.
I know he has lost his Mum and that is awful.. but how many of us on here are also carrying huge burdens of grief?
He is darn lucky to have 2 weeks off over xmas. He is darn lucky to have a job in this climate and he moans that he is bored..

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