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cologne: I'm sure no one thinks you're ignorant--I think we all assumed that it was too hard for you to post.


I'm sorry to hear about the husband shattered his leg below the knee a few years ago, and I know how hard that was for him. I hope you can get the pain under control soon.


Glad you've got your daughter to help out!

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

i'm sorry not to reply earlier, but this has totaly floored me. i'm just coming on to say please don't think i'm ignorant. i'm in the worst pain ever even after 10 days. my daughter comes every day to clean and cook, love her to bits. i'll come back when i can use my right arm again.  

I've been thinking of you, Col.

Take good care of yourself and come back when you feel able.

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

i'm sorry not to reply earlier, but this has totaly floored me. i'm just coming on to say please don't think i'm ignorant. i'm in the worst pain ever even after 10 days. my daughter comes every day to clean and cook, love her to bits. i'll come back when i can use my right arm again.  

Awwwww - I have been thinking of you - I have Mr Woo home with a busted ankle - he has been in agony - I really sympathise and so hope you're on the mend!

Soozy Woo

thanks lori. i was going around turning off lights and she shot out from behind the sofa. i remember thinking that i didn't stand a chance of stopping it. i hit the radiator with my right arm. got up and didn't feel any pain, went to the bathroom and off to bed with a sleeping tablet. the nightmare started at 4 in the morning.

cologne 1

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