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Who else would she have nommed that wouldn't  have caused a stir?, TBH i haven't got a fav this year, but out of that lot, I'd pick Corin, IMO Jo has turned this round and got John on her side as she knows he doesn't like her, thinking this may save her on friday and in turn, turning the house against Corin, Jo is the nasty one IMO
Let's be honest she picked the newbies and saved the old un's, but still they ain't happy
I've not heard much from Jo except for whinging and feeling sorry for herself - I'd have nommed her as well. It's hard work in there - getting sucked into someone else's pity party can't make it any easier. She's not working at it - she doesn't deserve to stay.

Fair enough, if that's how Corin feels.  But why pretend to be a close friend to her?  Why allow yourself to be the person Jo confides in?  Why nominate her without hesitation last week, long before Jo started mentioning wanting to leave?  Why take 23 minutes to nominate Jo this week but not last week?  Why keep saying, even as recent as a few hours before nominations, that "us girls should stick together"?

You can see there might be a lot of reasons why Jo, and the other housemates, and the viewers, should now be finding it difficult to trust Corin.
Who else would she have nommed that wouldn't have caused a stir
Difference is Corin spent a lot of time with Jo, they shared make up, perfume, chats, Jo thought she had bonded with Corin...I remember Josie saying that Corin, her, and Jo had agreed as it was only three girls left they wouldn't nom each other..Corin could have picked Andrew and Steve..Since  she was too scared to pick JJ1/JJ2/Josie.
Senora Reyes
Difference is Corin spent a lot of time with Jo, they shared make up, perfume, chats, Jo thought she had bonded with Corin...Remember Josie saying that Corin, her, and Jo had agreed as it was three girls they wouldn't nom each other..Corin could have picked Andrew and Steve..Since she was too scared to pick JJ1/JJ2/Josie.
True but's it's a game i suppose and she picked the one's that made her look good, if she picked Steve she may think that would look bad and as she said Andrew had picked her for treats *shrugs* she's playing a game and i prefer her game to John's or Dave's, as long as those 2 don't win i don't give a sh-t
Reference: Blue Diamond
JJ has always said he did not trust Corin, I guess Corin proved him right. What had he seen or heard I wonder.
So what! JJ2 admits that he records his phone conversations with his friends!!! So he can check back and see if he can catch them out. A person who who cannot trust even his closest friends, sees enemies everywhere. ( Not to mention having possible mental health issues ).
thinking this may save her on friday The only problem with that theory is she keeps saying she can't wait to be evicted on Friday.
The door is open 24 hrs a day, no need to wait for Fridays, if Jo or Dave are that upset go, why wait for Fridays, oh yes the lime light , i'm bliddy sick of the lot of them but still i watch
As for Corin being close to Jo, I hadn't noticed it . Corin is polite, nice and bubbly with everyone, same with Jo. Also as I remember , it was always Jo making the move, coming to Corin [ ie getting into her bed for a chat, or telling her things and asking her to keep it secret ] not the other way round.

Jo initiated it, and built it into a friendship that wasn't really there i.m.o.
Fair enough, if that's how Corin feels. But why pretend to be a close friend to her? Why allow yourself to be the person Jo confides in? Why nominate her without hesitation last week, long before Jo started mentioning wanting to leave? Why take 23 minutes to nominate Jo this week but not last week? Why keep saying, even as recent as a few hours before nominations, that "us girls should stick together"? You can see there might be a lot of reasons why Jo, and the other housemates, and the viewers, should now be finding it difficult to trust Corin.
*shields eyes from interrogation light*  errrm  feeling sorry for someone doesn't mean you like them.  Offering a shoulder is a normal reaction if you're a caring person even if you don't like someone, and it's not unknown for that shoulder to be taken advantage of.  There's only so much whinging a person can stand before you think "I've had enough - get a grip!" but even when you think that - not easy to say "go away you annoy me" unless you're heartless. 

I would imagine as a person who deals with stuff and gets on with difficult things rather than whining and feeling sorry for herself that Corin would have found Jo wearing after a very short time, but she tried to give her some support and gee her up, and she listened, and she listened and she listened......... hardly a bundle of laughs!

As for taking ages to nomm - maybe she found it hard, maybe she's weak, maybe she thought she'd get extra air time - I actually have no idea, I can't read her mind hardly makes her the worst HM ever, or even in this series

She did look very pretty though
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Corin is the same with everybody, she chats with them all even JJ1 who spends half his time slagging her off when she's not around. I don't know why everyone thinks she should have nommed JJ1 she hasn't for weeks. And as I said before why isn't Josie getting this level of attention she also nommed her so called best mate in there?
*shields eyes from interrogation light*  errrm  feeling sorry for someone doesn't mean you like them.  Offering a shoulder is a normal reaction if you're a caring person even if you don't like someone, and it's not unknown for that shoulder to be taken advantage of.  There's only so much whinging a person can stand before you think "I've had enough - get a grip!" but even when you think that - not easy to say "go away you annoy me" unless you're heartless.  I would imagine as a person who deals with stuff and gets on with difficult things rather than whining and feeling sorry for herself that Corin would have found Jo wearing after a very short time, but she tried to give her some support and gee her up, and she listened, and she listened and she listened......... hardly a bundle of laughs! As for taking ages to nomm - maybe she found it hard, maybe she's weak, maybe she thought she'd get extra air time - I actually have no idea, I can't read her mind hardly makes her the worst HM ever, or even in this series She did look very pretty though
I've tried for about half an hour to say more or less the same thing( not as eloquently)

I can't multi quote, and I really needed to be able to in this instance.......just to argue certain points in Spiders post..........Ta muchly Hoochie
*shields eyes from interrogation light*  errrm  feeling sorry for someone doesn't mean you like them.  Offering a shoulder is a normal reaction if you're a caring person even if you don't like someone, and it's not unknown for that shoulder to be taken advantage of.  There's only so much whinging a person can stand before you think "I've had enough - get a grip!" but even when you think that - not easy to say "go away you annoy me" unless you're heartless.  I would imagine as a person who deals with stuff and gets on with difficult things rather than whining and feeling sorry for herself that Corin would have found Jo wearing after a very short time, but she tried to give her some support and gee her up, and she listened, and she listened and she listened......... hardly a bundle of laughs! As for taking ages to nomm - maybe she found it hard, maybe she's weak, maybe she thought she'd get extra air time - I actually have no idea, I can't read her mind hardly makes her the worst HM ever, or even in this series She did look very pretty though

Well done Hoochie 

Because Corin was there to listen, like she does them all, even JJ after the row when he wanted to walk, Jo assumed she was her best buddy, wrong! Corin was the only one that had time to listen to her whinging constantly, they held up the nominations because guess where Jo was, in the diary room wanting to go home again. 
She's sat night after night slagging JJ1 off to Steve and now he's even moved away and can't be a@sed with her, she's now in cohorts with JJ1and lets be honest JJ would be best friends with the door knob if it was slagging Corin off.There's no friendship with JJ, he's using her for a chance to slag Corin off, Jo's no friendship with anyone in there, simply because she's been such a mardy cow to have a close bond with anyone.

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