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A level results time on Thursday.

I know the support I got from you lovely people the last time , so I've turned up here like a bad penny ( been lurking but not psoting much recently)

No 2 son is awaiting his results and to say it's like the whole house is sitting on a time bomb would be an understatement!!

Very sensibly No 1 son has decided to choose this week to go abroad on holiday with his mates.


So, how are you coping, Ditty, Ducky, and anyone else going through this?

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Originally Posted by Moomin:



So, how are you coping, Ditty, Ducky, and anyone else going through this?

Not well!


we picked her up from the airport last night... she'd been to barcelona for a week with some girls from school...   she said some of the girls got right on her nerves wailing about results & uni offers...   it kinda wound her up...   as her offer is A* A* A   


she goes a funny colour & starts feeling sick whenever the subject comes up.


oh & to make matters worse...  they bumbed into their head of sixth in Barcelona   Although he has said he will text her results to her on Thursday.

Originally Posted by Moomin:

It's the mood swings that I'm finding difficult, but enough about me!!

No, seriously I'm never quite sure whether anything I say will tip him over the edge - sometimes he is fine, but other times he is just quiet and brooding.

awwww...   you're way more tactful than me then Moomin..    I don't allow quiet & brooding... or may be we're just not a quiet & brooding type house.


I do know not to mention results...  up until now, whenever the subject came up I would just say "don't think about it til after Barcelona" ...    she's still in bed at the moment (we didn't get back from the airport til 1.30am)..   so I dunno what sort of mood she'll be in when she gets up.



we've already discussed contingency plans though...  


we kinda have a back up plan..   & its actually quite appealing to her... I thought I had overdone it at one point & she almost hoped she didn't get the grades.     I hadn't though.


Realistically...   there is every chance she hasn't... in fact, it'll be a miracle if she has...  so we really have to be prepared.


what does Moomin junior need to get?


Duds seems pretty relaxed about it on the outside at the moment.... it certainly isn't stopping him sleeping   the lazy git.


We've had the odd conversation about it, and I know he's worried when he thinks about it.... but he's just making sure he doesn't think about it. I've been taking the same approach, most of the time, but it's getting a bit close for comfort now.


I'm not a worrier by nature.....and I generally save my panic till it really matters... the last minute.... so expect me in here late tomorrow night hanging by a thread to my sanity!


Duds needs 280 points to get to his first choice. I HATE the points system.... there are so many variations of grades he can get that you start to obssess about the combinations!   (Although at least there is flexibility in the sense that if he does badly in one subject, the others can take up the slack)


(just in case anyone doesn't know....and you're incredibly bored and want to work it all out ....A* is 140 points......and  A is 120.....B is 100.....etc etc...)



He expects to get  ABC when feeling optimistic........down to BBD.....when he's not.  So it's a bit close to call....and on the day I'm positive I'm going to have a heart attack before 9am.

Last edited by Ducky
Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I'm working on Thursday... 


Soooooo...  if it goes badly I may send Ickle in here...   you lot can deal with her! 


So is she getting her results texted to her did you say? Do you know what time?

she can get them at 10am..   I just asked her...  she said her feet just went numb at the thought of it (NUMB FEET??? )


I think I had better send her in here on Thurs 


I'm working on Thursday......cos I have to be there for the Sixth Formers getting their results.....I'll be mopping up a few tears I would imagine, and guiding a few through clearing etc.


It's all a bit of a nightmare timing wise....cos I want to be with Duds when he gets his results too! What if he needs to go through clearing!


Originally the Assistant Head (who was standing in for Head of Sixth before I got the job), told me to take Duds to college, make sure he's sorted and she would cover for me till I got in........ but on the last day of term she suddenly dropped it on me that she wouldn't be there on the day. So now I'm not sure what's happening. I'm in work tomorrow, along with Head and Deputy, to prepare for results I'll find out more then.

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I'm working on Thursday......cos I have to be there for the Sixth Formers getting their results.....I'll be mopping up a few tears I would imagine, and guiding a few through clearing etc.


It's all a bit of a nightmare timing wise....cos I want to be with Duds when he gets his results too! What if he needs to go through clearing!


Originally the Assistant Head (who was standing in for Head of Sixth before I got the job), told me to take Duds to college, make sure he's sorted and she would cover for me till I got in........ but on the last day of term she suddenly dropped it on me that she wouldn't be there on the day. So now I'm not sure what's happening. I'm in work tomorrow, along with Head and Deputy, to prepare for results I'll find out more then.

Sort your boy out first Ducky...   I think you need to be quite insistent on this.  


You won't be letting your students down if there are people at the school to cover for you, and telling any that need your help to either come back in the afternoon to see you, or wait til [agreed time] to see you 


I am soooo sick of exams ... I have three children and for the last 6 years we have had the summer holiday exam result stress. This year it is the turn of the youngest (No 3) and her AS (Lower 6th) results.


Only one more year to go


2011 - No 3’s AS

2010 - No 3’s GCSE

2009 - No 2’s A2

2008 - No 1’s A2, No 2’s AS

2007 - No 1’s AS, No 2’s GCSE

2006 - No 1’s GCSE

Originally Posted by Rexi:

I am soooo sick of exams ... I have three children and for the last 6 years we have had the summer holiday exam result stress. This year it is the turn of the youngest (No 3) and her AS (Lower 6th) results.


Only one more year to go


2011 - No 3’s AS

2010 - No 3’s GCSE

2009 - No 2’s A2

2008 - No 1’s A2, No 2’s AS

2007 - No 1’s AS, No 2’s GCSE

2006 - No 1’s GCSE

Your nerves must be shot


My experience has been similar, Rexi - obut only since 2007. However I will still be going through it next year with no 1 son - his degree results, and fingers crossed( - I WANT to go through this?) for the next 3 years on no 2 son's degree course. Gluttons for punishment, aren't we?

Oh and Ditty - he needs ABB, but thinks he will be lucky to get BBB.

Originally Posted by Moomin:

My experience has been similar, Rexi - obut only since 2007. However I will still be going through it next year with no 1 son - his degree results, and fingers crossed( - I WANT to go through this?) for the next 3 years on no 2 son's degree course. Gluttons for punishment, aren't we?

Oh and Ditty - he needs ABB, but thinks he will be lucky to get BBB.

Thanks Saz and Ducky ... I find chilled Pinot helps


Stoppit Moomin ... I hadn't even considered degree results yet


No1 will be next year, No 2 will be the following year then we will have two years off (TWO YEARS ... YAY!!) before No 3.


And Ditty ... ermmmm - I'm still thinking of a suitable comment

Originally Posted by Lori:

I'm speechless.

You know if you send Ickle in here, she's gonna have to explain herself.


Good luck to all of you! I get the gist of it, but the details are beyond me, I'm afraid.



My eldest has her results next week for GCSEs, but she has already done half a dozen in the last year, and has 2 B's, 1 C and 3 A*s in the most important subjects.  And her BTEC type  coursework has been largely marked up as A's and A*'s, so she isn't too worried. 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Good luck caring parents  


Thanks.  But it's the kids that need the luck.    Although, as I said earlier; my daughter has already passed the most important GCSE's but I feel for people who haven't and who have A level results to come.  Let's hope they ALL get the results they need.


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