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I think its verging on being un-navigateable. I've NEVER been on a site that is so difficult to find my way around. Its as if some nutter woke up one morning, and thought 'I know, let me build a site that will piss people off, each time they visit?' Ta-da!!!! Idiots! A chimp with 3 crayons and an Etch-A-Sketch could have done better
If this were a site for one time-zone only, then yes I would expect it to show the time zone I am in, but as it is a Universal site it has ONE default time zone and the monkeys with the Etch-A-Sketch expected the users to be sentient enough to know they would need to tell the site what time zone they were in. THEN the site could display the appropriate time.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
"Its as if some nutter woke up one morning, and thought 'I know, let me build a site that will piss people off, each time they visit?' Ta-da!!!! Idiots! A chimp with 3 crayons and an Etch-A-Sketch could have done better" was, IMO, a bit rude that's all...
Actually it's quite funny and remarkably astute IMO. I really don't get all this protectiveness towards Live Cloud ................constructive criticism is good isn't it? He was simply saying he found it a bit confusing.

I'm not being argumentative (for a change) simply saying that I sort of agree ............and found that quite funny.
Soozy Woo
Hey, you guys - I know you're also just users of this site, as I am, and none of you are responsible for how it is run.  I was simply pointing out what I considered to be an obvious issue (although appreciate that for many of you it might not have been) and I did try to be slightly amusing about it.  However, its gone down like a lead balloon and I'm sorry for any offense that I have caused anyone.  I'm generally a reasonable person, who does tend to suffer from being, as my lovely wee Scot's girlies call me, a 'moothie gobshite'   Apologies to all, and especially Bez.  I shouldn't have implied that you might be a Mod, but all those who know me will understand my scepticism and paranoia.
If this were a site for one time-zone only, then yes I would expect it to show the time zone I am in, but as it is a Universal site it has ONE default time zone and the monkeys with the Etch-A-Sketch expected the users to be sentient enough to know they would need to tell the site what time zone they were in. THEN the site could display the appropriate time.
It was brought to my attention, just tonight that this site is American. Sorry. I obviously should have known that, having been here for all of three days
You did. You inferred that the people who set up this site were less intelligent and capable than a monkey with an Etch-A-Sketch.
That is my belief, yes. And I didn't infer, I said so, in no uncertain terms.  That is my opinion.  You have yours.............  However, I fail to see where it was that I insulted an individual, in order to be hurtful?  Or damning?  Or nasty?  My 'beef' was about a concept, which I felt/feel is flawed, ie - to NOT wish to make a forum as easy to use as is possible.

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