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I think its verging on being un-navigateable.  I've NEVER been on a site that is so difficult to find my way around.

Its as if some nutter woke up one morning, and thought 'I know, let me build a site that will piss people off, each time they visit?'

A chimp with 3 crayons and an Etch-A-Sketch could have done better
Its as if some nutter woke up one morning, and thought 'I know, let me build a site that will piss people off, each time they visit?' Ta-da!!!! Idiots! A chimp with 3 crayons and an Etch-A-Sketch could have done better
Personally I like it.... but I guess it's each to their own. However, sorry, but I don't think you need to be quite so rude about
Personally I like it.... but I guess it's each to their own. However, sorry, but I don't think you need to be quite so rude about
I don't think I am being rude, and those in here who know me KNOW how very rude I can become!  I just think that its possibly one of the worst formats I have ever experienced, and I said so.  Others have said that 'it took a while' for them to familiarise themselves - and why should it?  Why not make things easy for people?  Have somewhere that they can understand the mechanisms of, immediately?  I'm thinking that you're probably a Mod, due to your post-count.  And I'm thinking that I'm just on the verge of getting a banstick, if you haven't already issued one.
I don't think I am being rude, and those in here who know me KNOW how very rude I can become!  I just think that its possibly one of the worst formats I have ever experienced, and I said so.  Others have said that 'it took a while' for them to familiarise themselves - and why should it?  Why not make things easy for people?  Have somewhere that they can understand the mechanisms of, immediately?  I'm thinking that you're probably a Mod, due to your post-count.  And I'm thinking that I'm just on the verge of getting a banstick, if you haven't already issued one.
Well I don't know you, so sorry,  I have no idea how rude you can be...but I will take your word for it. ...... As for my being a Mod...
Sorry Sarnge but Baz did help you by telling you to go to your profile to change your clock 

I agree this isn't the most user friendly site I've ever used but if you ask people how to do things they will always help.

I'm afraid I found your tone a bit rude as well  as for bansticks the Mods here are are very good and usually ban only when there is a good reason.  It's not like it was on the Ch4 site 
I think every new forum takes a bit of getting used to. I post on the official Arsenal forum which is also hosted by Eve/Social Strata and it is the same as the old C4 format - complete with the Tempero mods  I do like the usability (sp) of that format I admit
I guess the more you wander around in here the easier it is but I just stick to this forum and don't use the blogs and all the other stuff as I find it too confusing
Stick around Sarnge, have a wander in your own profile and you will soon get used to it
Why should I leave?  Why can't I voice my opinion about things that I don't think are working?
Because you'll make yourself very unpopular. I know this from personal experience. Ironically the FM who for some reason persisted in reminding me if I didn't like it then pee off is no longer around - I think she may have got banned. I don't think you've been rude - I wasn't ever rude - some people just get very tetchy about it.
Soozy Woo
Sorry Sarnge but Baz did help you by telling you to go to your profile to change your clock I agree this isn't the most user friendly site I've ever used but if you ask people how to do things they will always help. I'm afraid I found your tone a bit rude as well as for bansticks the Mods here are are very good and usually ban only when there is a good reason. It's not like it was on the Ch4 site
Well all that I can say, is that what constitutes 'rude' in my world, in no way resembles what it does in yours.  Call me brash, abrasive, upfront, whatever you like.  But for me, to be rude means to deliberately insult.  And that, I did not do.  Also, there was an assumption that I actually knew where my profile was, which I actually don't!  Believe it or not, I would have been more helpful, or else, I'd just have not bothered at all.
Also, there was an assumption that I actually knew where my profile was, which I actually don't
Well for that I apologise....  and of course everyone can express an opinion on the site or anything else... it's a forum.  I just think  that  "Its as if some nutter woke up one morning, and thought 'I know, let me build a site that will piss people off, each time they visit?' Ta-da!!!! Idiots! A chimp with 3 crayons and an Etch-A-Sketch could have done better"

was, IMO, a bit rude that's all...

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