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NEWS JUST IN...he's also teething so apparently it's normal
Yep!   Always did bewilder me that they got the runs when teething... the only reason I could think of was all the extra dribble they swallowed.

My boy then used to get really bad nappy rash as well Temps!   The best thing for it would have been to let him go nappy free for a while... but that was soooo high risk!
Reference: Croc
My oldest was so bad with nappy rash when teething the skin used to peel off his arse when cleaning him up....i used to have to whip up egg white and put them on him...which worked.

Drapolene was the only cream that worked...  bloody marvellous stuff!

Never heard of egg white... I would have tried it though.  Anything better than the barrier creams... they just used to make things worse.

My boy used to get thrush on his bum too... when things got really bad!   Oh the joys.... I had forgotten about all this stuff!
  thank you Leccy....I was reading about letting air at his butt earlier....but A) whoever suggested that must only have girls   and B) like you say, not if he's got the squits

So I shall arm his little butt with sudocreme...thank you again forum mummies

*this is the second time I've changed the direction of this thread I shall be good from here on *
Anything better than the barrier creams... they just used to make things worse.
I agree...cos they stop the moisture getting thru the lining on the nappy and keep it on the skin....

Is Drapolee the yellow stuff cos that did work one the one occasion I used it.

And no it wasn't the curry eating daughter....she never got nappy was only the oldest one of mine that did...cos when he teethed he had a load all come though together...and I never put cream on any of them. kids love it on holiday when me and Mr Croc get drunk cos they reckon its really easy to get money out of us.
My boy didn't get on with any of the barrier type creams leccy.. only the ones that rubbed right in.

There were two.. and I HAD thought the name of the really good one was napisan.. but when I googled it that now comes up as some sort of washing powder.

I think Drapolene was pink.  But I do remember a yellow one as well.  Metanium that was really really good too.

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