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I thought the blacklist thingie was a bit like ignore, only better in that in your private space, they can't even contribute.

We all have the option to set up our spaces to be visible to buddies/close friends only.  Personally, I think that is a bit of a shame as even though you can read a blog, for example, you can't comment. 

With the blacklist, you can allow anyone to read but those you have blacklisted aren't able to cause grief.  Does that make sense?
With the blacklist, you can allow anyone to read but those you have blacklisted aren't able to cause grief. Does that make sense?
In a way Suzi, but surely it would just be better to have your settings to fully private so people cant even read your stuff unless you've accepted them?

I just don't see the difference between blacklisting and setting your stuff to private.

If blacklisting operated in the same way as ignore or blocking on FB (where you never have to interact with the person or see their posts or they see yours) then it would be worth it, but I just cant see the benefit myself.

Meh. I might start a group just for myself and blacklist the whole of the internet!!
In a way Suzi, but surely it would just be better to have your settings to fully private so people cant even read your stuff unless you've accepted them?
I think a lot of people have done that.  I didn't at the beginning, but may end up doing that in the future.  I'm not on Facebook so I have no idea how that works, but by having my profile and blog open and letting anyone comment on it, I have conversed with a few people that I may never have done.  Even names I have recognised from the Channel 4 days I never really had proper conversations with until they commented on my blog.
I think a lot of people have done that. I didn't at the beginning, but may end up doing that in the future. I'm not on Facebook so I have no idea how that works, but by having my profile and blog open and letting anyone comment on it, I have conversed with a few people that I may never have done. Even names I have recognised from the Channel 4 days I never really had proper conversations with until they commented on my blog.
That's why in some ways it's good as you get to widen your network. But I suppose if you've got personal stuff on there then it's entirely your prerogative if you only want trusted friends to see it. And we thought C4 was bad eh? At least on there, there were no blogs, no PM's, just one forum with a few pimply mods

I've been away for a couple of days and come back to this.  I always miss the rucks lol.  Im confused tho.....if I had the facility to start a group I would probably use the exclude function from time to time in the cause of peace and I can't entirely disagree with a blacklist function.  However, I see where Soozy is coming from because the setting up of groups (which I've no problem with btw) is certainly impacting our forum.
Call me an old cynic, but wasn't the creation of this place intended to keep the BBGF community together?  Very strange.

Hi Aquarius Gaga was set up to make sure we all stayed together, but this place was running long before that, and I think this was only offered as an alternative option when Gaga closed (well, we automatically got dragged over here). Dont think there was ever the intention that parts of it were set up specifically for us refugees.
I like it here though
i dont like commenting on peoples blogs or wall i dont really know, they might be offended,blimey it does get confusing dont it? i dont know if people can see my wall or not
No, can't see your wall as your settings are private.

Commenting on a wall or blog is just the same as posting in a thread though.  You just have to close your eyes and jump in with both feet!

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