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It's not the blacklisting, that has upset some people.  Nor is it the setting up of private groups.  Nor is it being excluded from a private group that many wouldn't want to join anyway.

It's the petty way that the group was set up and the obvious way people were excluded.  It's really rather playground and rather sad.  I can't help laughing though.
I don't think it is tbh. I really don't. I think most people find it highly amusing. I know I do....
Absoloutely!!!!!!!!!!!! I really dont know if I'm blacklisted or not as I haven't attempted to join anytrhing ( I suspect I am though) But that really isn't the point at al ....................................we should all be here together instead of scattered all around IMO.
Soozy Woo
Soozy when Livecloud first opened to us in mid August, weeks before Gaga moved over here there was no-where to post, except by joining groups. James who is from Newcastle and had been a groupee member for years set up the 'Sinking Ship Group' just for us, it has grown, we even have our own jukebox playing fabulous tunes. 'Topics' is another Groupee forum member who lent us his site to post. I've made a lot of friends in The 'Sinking Ship' and posted with people I'd never posted with before on GaGa, I've also made friends with some fantastic Americans who I would never have met if it weren't for James. When our forum moved over here I post in all groups. Join the 'Sinking Ship' it's a light hearted place to post.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh please spill the beans. I came into this rather late ............i'd love to know all the details.
FGS ... people need to get a grip ... ANYONE (with VIP status) can set up their own group ... they can invite anyone they want to join that group (if it is a private group) ... as has been explained in the stickie thread at the top of the forum, a glitch in the software has meant that people who were specifically 'blacklisted' from groups got a notification to say they had been banned ... this was NOT the decision of the person who set up the group ... how hard is it to grasp that ...?

*Dons flak jacket ... again ....*
Soozy, and anyone else who feels they are excluded in some way... I echo what Essex says. When things get quiet here, 'Explore' on the green bar at the top of all pages here is your best friend. In the black drop down menu click on 'Groups'. You will see the Sinking Ship there... always a good way to see how a group works at it's best. It's always been there... all you have to do is click on the 'join group' button and wait for email notification it's been processed by LC and then start posting!
FWIW I didn't take great offence or clasp my hand to my forehead in despair. I came in from an evening out, saw I had been banned from somewhere I didn't even apply to join and didn't have a buggery what was going on. So I asked. Simples. Turns out I have been blacklisted by someone which took me by surprise. Excuse me while I just contemplate my world ending.

If instead I should have spent hours trudging through edited troll tanks and posts on here to get the gist then I apologise for my lack of patience.

I've made a lot of friends in The 'Sinking Ship' and posted with people I'd never posted with before on GaGa, I've also made friends with some fantastic Americans who I would never have met if it weren't for James. When our forum moved over here I post in all groups. Join the 'Sinking Ship' it's a light hearted place to post.

I was invited to that one when I first came over but embarassingly I've never posted there.

Think I'll venture over some time in that case.
If instead I should have spent hours trudging through edited troll tanks and posts on here to get the gist then I apologise for my lack of patience.
There has been a rather bad break out of Chinese whispers I'm afraid Karma. I even got in a muddle. I guess it would have been easier if a thread had been posted explaining how it happened before all the paranoia and name calling started.
a glitch in the software has meant that people who were specifically 'blacklisted' from groups got a notification to say they had been banned ... this was NOT the decision of the person who set up the group
Incorrect as far as I'm aware.

Yes, a blacklist is in operation.  YES it does block people from seeing the wall posts/blog/profile of the blacklister.  However when a VIP starts a group they have to manually blacklist people from the group too (regardless if they were already blacklisted from their personal page)

VIPs can also give people admin status (the admins do not have to be VIPs)...the admins can ALSO blacklist members from a group.

Blacklist is an and/or kind-of function, not a blanket coverage type-thing.

At least, this is what I am told by group admins?

In the GASH scenario an admin has already spoken of how he blocked certain people...I guess he has his reasons or it was a mutual decision...dunno?

It's worth noting, however, said admin has NO "buddies" on this site.  Nada.

TBH I think most folk don't give a chaffinches chuff about the blacklisting etc...(I personally have BL'd at least one of "thatmentalfellayouknowtheoneImean" ID's from my blog/page/wall/profile) 

I agree with blacklisting, I fully support anyone who decides X person is not welcome in their group.  

I have a problem with snideness, however.
Shar.... is it only people with VIP status.... or can anyone set up a group..... there seems to be some confusion over that?
Hi Baz, I know you directed your question to Shar, but I hope you don't mind if I answer. You have to be a VIP to start a group. You may have an interest or hobby that you might like to share with a lot of likeminded people, so you start a group, it can be about anything. I'm hoping someone starts up a gardening group because I am useless at gardening.
I have a problem with snideness, however.
Yes ... and that comes on many levels ... in relation to the 'blacklisting' alerts, all I can say is I've read the stickie explaining what the situation is and nothing I've experienced personally takes from that ... 

Not had any experiecing in modding/adminning groups so I can't comment on how the 'admin' in question was able to blacklist his victims ...
I guess it would have been easier if a thread had been posted explaining how it happened before all the paranoia and name calling started.
Except with this group the name calling starts before the proverbial dropped hat even hits the floor.

It's like this, the notification element is a bug. Had we known about it, we would have fixed it and there would have been no need to post anything. We didn't find out about it until AFTER the name calling started.
It's like this, the notification element is a bug. Had we known about it, we would have fixed it and there would have been no need to post anything. We didn't find out about it until AFTER the name calling started.
Yeah... I know Dave. Things can escalate really fast here given the chance! Like I said... Chinese whispers!
Yes ... and that comes on many levels ... in relation to the 'blacklisting' alerts, all I can say is I've read the stickie explaining what the situation is and nothing I've experienced personally takes from that ... Not had any experiecing in modding/adminning groups so I can't comment on how the 'admin' in question was able to blacklist his victims ...
The sticky explains that you were sent an alert in error. The admin/group owner did not CHOOSE to send you an alert .  The forum software did that.  The group admin just  blocked a (very small) amount of people. Other than that anyone can join. It is not a hidden or private group.  Also it is a group dedicated to a current and popular Journalist/TV different from anyone starting a Charlie Brooker group (is there one? I'd join!)

I am not an admin/mod anywhere.  I have not blacklisted anyone apart from (y'know that fella who we shouldn't really talk about) that B*** gadgie.
I'm gonna start a "Group" to get shut of the groups, and get everyone back in here. If they are here- everyone can find them. The long list of groups there is and only Sinking Ship and Forum seem to be active. Surely they could be put in here. IMO Blogs and Walls are great, but " Groups " Public and private seem to be throwing members to the 4 winds.

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