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Reference Carnelian Today at 22:27:
 Anyone getting a bit tired of all those HMs ganging up nominating Sunshine for her crimes against crisp sharing? Very pathetic indeed.
Tonight's HLs didn't even show half of it. Ife repeated what she said during nominations (about how Sunshine made her feel "that" small) to Sunshine's face, and reduced her to tears...
Eugene's Lair
I know they had her name on them, but I can understand the others getting excited by a crisp delivery, after their punishment diet.
If only she had saved some for herself, to put in a sandwich the next day, and let the others have the rest.

Obviously, I have no sympathy for those who got really mardy about it, but I do think she could have handled it differently.
The crisps were her dinner, she only got small pizza and crisps, the others got large pizzas.I would not have shared.

And their pizzas were loaded up with meat, cheese and toppings, hers were just tomato sauce, the crisps would have provided her with extra calories.
Exactly, Mary and Leccy. And she'd even shared her measly little pizzas with them - what more did they flaming well want?

Scabby nominated her over the crisps, saying they'd all "been living on chickpeas". Errr, no, you'd just had a huge, loaded pizza, plus a share of someone else's. And she had the cheek to call Sunshine greedy?

Still waiting for the footage of Josie sharing out the cider, chocs and other goodies that she was given in the diary room. I won't hold my breath. Tight as a duck's arse, indeed.
Reference: Blizzie
I know they had her name on them, but I can understand the others getting excited by a crisp delivery, after their punishment diet. If only she had saved some for herself, to put in a sandwich the next day, and let the others have the rest. Obviously, I have no sympathy for those who got really mardy about it, but I do think she could have handled it differently.
I agree Blizzie.
I know they had her name on them, but I can understand the others getting excited by a crisp delivery, after their punishment diet. If only she had saved some for herself, to put in a sandwich the next day, and let the others have the rest. Obviously, I have no sympathy for those who got really mardy about it, but I do think she could have handled it differently
That's exactly how I felt about it.
If she'd opened the packet so she could save some for her sandwich, they'd have gone all soggy by next day when BB delivered the bread.

In any case, they were part of her dinner, not an extra. Did she tell the others they had to finish all of their own dinners by a certain time, or forfeit them?
I don't see why the others felt like they had the right to dictate to her about it.
What annoys me the most is that no one said a word to Shabby, Caoimhe, JJ or Ife for the house having to have a punishment diet in the first place yet they create ructions when Sunshine is given a bag of crisps.

I agree Sunshine could probably have handled it a little better but when alls said and done none of the gang of four should have had the cheek to query food allocation at the end of the diet as they were responsible for the house punishment in the first place and they seem to have conveniently forgotten that!
Reference Blizzie Today at 12:50:
 I know they had her name on them, but I can understand the others getting excited by a crisp delivery, after their punishment diet. If only she had saved some for herself, to put in a sandwich the next day, and let the others have the rest.
The thing is that it looks like BB intended the whole pack for Sunshine - and very deliberately so.

I won't go through all the maths here, but someone over on DS has done some serious calorie-counting, and come to the conclusion that even if Sunshine had eaten both vegan pizzas (and remember, she only ate one), she would still need the entire packet of crisps to bring her calorie intake up to something comparable to that of the other HMs gorging themselves on those large pizzas laden with cheese and meat.

I know that some have suggested BB put Sunshine's name on the food to try and cause arguments, but it's looking increasingly to me that they did it simply because they're concerned that she just wouldn't get enough food otherwise.
By ignoring this and demanding she share her crisps with them, the other HMs were denying Sunshine of part of her meal.
Eugene's Lair
Sunshine should get out of her bed and see what they eat thru the night. They are like Seagulls raiding the fridge and not even bothered about anyone else. As a "crisp" person i can tell you that a big bag of crisps is mostly air with one tatties worth in it! Sunshine needs to be assertive and find out the others "achilles heel" and play on that. She is making herself easy pray for some of them . I cant say i am a big fan of hers but i dont think she deserves the keek she is taking from them at the moment. Josie i find plants the seeds and lets them run with it, probably because Sunshine fancies JJ and Josie aint avvin it!

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