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there will be many people who only come on to BB forim during BB or who for one reason or another have not been on lately and are going to come on in a few weeks only to find forum no longer exists.

I came on the BB on and off though year and was very nearly one of those people only finding out about the closing 12 hours or so ago. It will be a shame to lose those people.

Hopefully C4 will leave a link up for us but I am not expecting it.

It will be a shame to lose all those people from our community. I did intend to post this in the other place but its closed for the night so thouhht I would post it here.

A big thanks to the organisters that have secured our new home and a thought for those that may never find us once C4 close

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Well I have noticed a really serious lack of peeps on here.    There seems to be a lot of names missing.  Although I am not on here ALL the time, I am on almost every day.  The threads seem slow moving too.  I can come on at 9am before work, and most of the same threads will be there on the front page 7 to 8 hours later.  On the older forums (ch4 and gaga,) most threads would slip down the page in a couple of hours....and only 2 or 3 would still be on the front page.  I wonder where everyone is? 
I think there is often a lull when the Big Brother events have died down.
As Neil said in the Opening Post I too hope that some of the old regular forum users do not miss the bus.
I am heartened, though, that there are many familiar names here.
I think a lot of us are still settling down and trying to get used to our new place. This is taking a bit longer this time because the changes are greater. But I remain optimistic and determined.
Cheeky Pix, I think on this site there are lots of different places for people to chat. EG. blogs, and other groups; sinking ship, Freddy's Fanclub, Strictly come dancing to name a few. i think it's hard to know how many people are around now but hopefully this community can stick together if we keep using it.
Well hopefully LowonI!    I will stay on this forum for sure   May not be on ALL the time, but I won't desert it.
I am here fabienne just I started this thread ages back when we moved from C4 to gagajoyjoy first time I have been here on livecloud and I must say I prefered C4 and gaga. I started to get bombarded with emails when this thread became active again lol

Will have a look round now I am here see how many of the old crew are still around.

I didn't have a choice but to come back ducky I signed in then got to a screen demanding my postcode and date of birth I couldn't turn off the emails until I had given it. Now that I have I might as well hang round see how this place gets who knows it might get good but I don't like the lack of lines between posts.

Also what happened to the quote feature
Well, we're glad you did. Those pesky emails maybe a positive after all.
Thanks ducky I am going to turn them off though they clutter up my inbox I'lll hang around though at least for a while
You have to highlight the text you want to quote, then press the reply button. It's all a bit weird here.

Never seen it done this way before thanks for the info

I don't like the quote much it looks like part of the post don't they know the saying i its not broke don't fix it.

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