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Roger the Alien posted:

Leadpipe's in the cabinet as Environment Secretary!!

  A case of "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" ?

Or it could be another case of political karma...


She's the new Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary - which means she has to deal with the farmers.

Apparently she promised farmers during the Referendum campaign that EU subsidies would be "protected" in the short term, so it's now going to be her job to ensure that those subsidies are matched from our own  budget. 


What's perhaps interesting is to look at this in the context of other Cabinet changes. I said in another thread that May needs to be careful she doesn't get stitched-up if (when?   ) attempts to deliver on Brexit fail. Well, it looks like May's response has been to put major Leave campaigners (specifically Boris and David Davis) into jobs where they are going to have to handle the Brexit negotiations. Essentially, she's forcing them to take responsibility and put their money where their mouths are...

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Roger the Alien posted:

Leadpipe's in the cabinet as Environment Secretary!!

  A case of "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer" ?

Or it could be another case of political karma...


She's the new Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Secretary - which means she has to deal with the farmers.

Apparently she promised farmers during the Referendum campaign that EU subsidies would be "protected" in the short term, so it's now going to be her job to ensure that those subsidies are matched from our own  budget. 


What's perhaps interesting is to look at this in the context of other Cabinet changes. I said in another thread that May needs to be careful she doesn't get stitched-up if (when?   ) attempts to deliver on Brexit fail. Well, it looks like May's response has been to put major Leave campaigners (specifically Boris and David Davis) into jobs where they are going to have to handle the Brexit negotiations. Essentially, she's forcing them to take responsibility and put their money where their mouths are...

  I love that theory Eugene!   

Somewhat like when a cat poos on the carpet, and the exasperated owner grabs them + rubs their nose into it... !!!! 


I'll just slip this in here if I may. Mrs Jer follows Michael Rosen. Apologies if you've already read it!

What I read last night: (scroll down for William Shakespeare does Alastair Campbell)

Is there a peer in the house?
is there a Labour peer in the house?
Is there a Labour peer who voted for the war
in the house?
We need a Labour peer who voted for the war
to appear on TV now.
We need a Labour Peer who voted for the war
to talk about a disaster and a catastrophe
We don’t need a Labour peer who voted for the war
to talk about why the war was a disaster and a
We need a Labour peer who voted for the war
to talk about the disaster and catastrophe
that is Jeremy Corbyn

And here they come
running and skipping
up to the TV studios
delighted to talk about the disaster and catastrophe
that is Jeremy Corbyn
delighted to not talk about the disaster and catastrophe
that was the war,
and we at home watch TV
delighted to hear them
because they are peers of the realm
we sit on our sofas doffing our hats
and thanking these Lords and Ladies
Barons and Baronesses
grateful to them for warning us off
Jeremy Corbyn
who it can be said, just quietly, no fuss:
did not vote for the war
and who says that the war
was a disaster and a catastrophe.

Amazingly, this was all foreseen by William Shakespeare.
I want to announce tonight an incredible discovery:
a piece of writing that is definitely by Shakespeare
from one of the history plays.
It’s only a short passage.
and it ends rather abruptly.
but I couldn’t resist bringing it to you.
I’ve copied it out word for word.
The speaker seems to be someone with the name

Campbell speaks:

My lords, welcome to this goodly tavern
here in hiding can we make plans tonight
you mandelson, jowell, kinnock and reid
remember though our hands be drenched in blood
from wars too foul to mention now or ever
we can rely on papers bearing news
to gloss o’er what crimes we have commit
instead will they invite us - or Jack Straw
to give wise counsel on matters more grave:
how what’s noble is betrayed by Corbyn
he, like the worm who doth dig deep inside
the holy sepulchre that is our party
bringing withal a multitude, a mob
a swinish troop of people, old and young
who dare to say our place in history
is sullied by that war we do not mention.
We, great lords, who speak for the nation
yea though of late, undermined cruelly
by this foolish soft-cheeked smooth-tongued Chilcot
and tonight, my lords, forsooth must we swear
an oath to remove yon upstart Corbyn,
yea, by any means - be they fair or foul.
Were ye not set up above the people
as Lords and Barons and Baronesses
to tell the people what is best for them
and place at the helm a golden Eagle...???

...and here the manuscript is torn.....

Remarkable document....

Garage Joe

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