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Cilic Serve (with new balls):-


0-15 Cilic nets

0-30 Cilic goes wide

15-30 winner from Cilic

15-40 Murray puts it beyond Cilic's reach

30-40 Cilic sends a sneaky one down the line


Advantage Murray

Deuce Murray puts it long

Advantage Cilic

Game Cilic


4 - 4 1st set

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Cilic Serves:-


0-15 Cilic double faults

15-15 Winner from Murray

15-30 Winner from Cilic

15-40 Cilic can't return


Deuce Cilic send Murray the wrong way

Advantage Murray

Deuce Winner from Cilic

Advantage Cilic

Game Cilic


3 - 3 2nd set

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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