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Day 18: Girl's night gone wrong!

9 mins ago


Day 18: Girl’s night!


With the men all napping, the ladies decided to have a bit of a girl’s night in the lounge. Gossiping, laughing and generally having a good time, the girls all seemed to be getting along swimmingly. This mood though was not to last...


As Big Brother played music for the ladies the spirits were high. There were smiles all round as Denise, Karissa, Kristina and Nicola danced away. With Denise’s next little prank though, the atmosphere was about to take a turn for the worse. As Karissa danced Denise jokingly tugged on Karissa’s trousers. Karissa smiled at first as did her twin sister. Karissa very quickly told Kristina “I don’t know if I’m cool with that!” Karissa continued to stress to the others that she wasn’t comfortable with Denise tugging at her trousers. Denise tried to apologise and laugh it off “saying it was only meant in fun,” but Karissa was having none of it.


The situation escalated and by soon Nicola and Frankie had got involved.  Frankie told Karissa that it was obviously for fun. Nicola tried to make Karissa go outside to diffuse the row but Denise continued to press Karissa to which Nicola replied “Do me a favour, if you want it to kick off then I’ll let her back in!” Frankie told Nicola and Karissa to stop shouting to which Karissa replied “You’re an 18 year old boy!” Frankie didn’t back down, telling Karissa “Just talk, it makes everything a lot easier.” The argument continued to spiral. Nicola exclaimed “I was a page three girl for a lot of years, and you flash your boobs openly on telly and you’re cool with that? I’m not!”


In the heat of moment Denise told Nicola “I’ve had a lot of things I’ve wanted to say to you in the House!” To which Nicola responded “say it!” Denise said that she wouldn’t say anything because she’s not like Nicola. Denise was quick to correct her statement as it sounded rather rude, but it was too late. “I’m not comfortable with showing my body on telly!” Nicola said. Denise replied “Well I’m not comfortable with you pressing the buzzer without consulting anyone else whether they want their letters from home or not!” Earlier in the week as part of a task Nicola had pressed a buzzer meaning that her team would receive letters from home, but Denise’s team wouldn’t. By now the emotions were really flying high. Nicola tried to ask Gareth for his view but he firmly told her that he refuses to take sides.


This is what happens when a girl’s night goes bad!



Just reading that update again.. the Jamie one said quite clearly Denise had done something twice, that the twins were demanding to speak to the producers and Nicola had made an escape bid ( via the main door.. doh! ) - none of that is reflected here .. here we have Denise " jokingly tugging" on a twin's trousers, Karissa smiling first then changing her mind, Nicola announcing out of the blue" I was a page three girl for a lot of years, and you flash your boobs openly on telly and you’re cool with that? I’m not!”, and Denise being quick to correct a statement she made as it sounded rather rude.. eh?!



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