offering to take one for the team and do without his suitcase!
Not just extraordinarily good to look at - but a good guy as well!
offering to take one for the team and do without his suitcase!
Not just extraordinarily good to look at - but a good guy as well!
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Handsome too..
Yeah, I'll give you that..he seems nice..........still got Nat as first though
Handsome too..
just a bit......
offering to take one for the team and do without his suitcase!
Not just extraordinarily good to look at - but a good guy as well!
and you had the chance to talk to him, least I said hello
*he's my second fav for now*
offering to take one for the team and do without his suitcase!
Not just extraordinarily good to look at - but a good guy as well!
and you had the chance to talk to him, least I said hello
*he's my second fav for now*
rub it in why don't you!
offering to take one for the team and do without his suitcase!
Not just extraordinarily good to look at - but a good guy as well!
and you had the chance to talk to him, least I said hello
*he's my second fav for now*
Mine too, up there ^^^^^^^
and you had the chance to talk to him, least I said hello
*he's my second fav for now*
rub it in why don't you!
Sorry and that was nearly sincere
*he's my second fav for now*
Mine too, up there ^^^^^^^
edge our bets Pam
and you had the chance to talk to him, least I said hello
*he's my second fav for now*
rub it in why don't you!
Sorry and that was nearly sincere
ROFL! You two!
Romeo is a good guy, cool and laidback. I always liked him in So Solid Crew and he did well on The Games on Channel 4!
Romeo is a good guy, cool and laidback. I always liked him in So Solid Crew and he did well on The Games on Channel 4!
Thanks for that, i knew i had seen him somewhere else
I think he's lovely too i'm liking Micheal as well, in a kind of rough looking guy
Romeo is a good guy, cool and laidback. I always liked him in So Solid Crew and he did well on The Games on Channel 4!
Thanks for that, i knew i had seen him somewhere else
I think he's lovely too i'm liking Micheal as well, in a kind of rough looking guy
Am I allowed.......Nat first........Romeo second and Michael third? If you say no, I won't watch again
id give him one
yess best you run!!!!!
HOW can you even think such a thing?
Easy peasy!
O` Romeo, Romeo wherfore art thou Romeo? Who`s Shakespeare?
I rest my case.
* puts sherry trifle back in fridge*
well ive got a lot of love for people tonight
Romeo is a good guy, cool and laidback. I always liked him in So Solid Crew and he did well on The Games on Channel 4!
Thanks for that, i knew i had seen him somewhere else
I think he's lovely too i'm liking Micheal as well, in a kind of rough looking guy
Am I allowed.......Nat first........Romeo second and Michael third? If you say no, I won't watch again
You just keep watching nuts ......and feel free to change your lineup at any time
Romeo is a good guy, cool and laidback. I always liked him in So Solid Crew and he did well on The Games on Channel 4!
Thanks for that, i knew i had seen him somewhere else
I think he's lovely too i'm liking Micheal as well, in a kind of rough looking guy
Am I allowed.......Nat first........Romeo second and Michael third? If you say no, I won't watch again
You just keep watching nuts ......and feel free to change your lineup at any time
yess best you run!!!!!
HOW can you even think such a thing?
Easy peasy!
O` Romeo, Romeo wherfore art thou Romeo? Who`s Shakespeare?
I rest my case.
* puts sherry trifle back in fridge*
I'm so glad you said that.......... and can I have the recipe for your sherry trifle?
well ive got a lot of love for people tonight
Romeo is a good guy, cool and laidback. I always liked him in So Solid Crew and he did well on The Games on Channel 4!
Thanks for that, i knew i had seen him somewhere else
I think he's lovely too i'm liking Micheal as well, in a kind of rough looking guy
Am I allowed.......Nat first........Romeo second and Michael third? If you say no, I won't watch again
You just keep watching nuts ......and feel free to change your lineup at any time
Nah, this is pretty much it
well ive got a lot of love for people tonight
im a bit pissed and off to bed
romeos got nice teef
i want his teef
going to listen to *clare in the community*
i wouldnt really give him one!
but id nick his teeth
nighty night
LOL! Get, you!
Night pirate
yess best you run!!!!!
HOW can you even think such a thing?
Easy peasy!
O` Romeo, Romeo wherfore art thou Romeo? Who`s Shakespeare?
I rest my case.
* puts sherry trifle back in fridge*
I'm so glad you said that.......... and can I have the recipe for your sherry trifle?
Recipe: Sherry.
Acshually there was some logic to my post...hear me out...
Brian Belo forsooth sedeth he did not knowith who the Shakespeare was when he so didith.
Romeo is from a Shakespeare and he sounds dead like Brian Belo.
Night pirate
I think it could be lurve ~ but don't tell my other half please.
I've never heard of him but when seeing all the glamour girls go in I said to hubby there's no good looking men in there so far, then Romeo went in
He was also the best dressed man
So far he seems polite and nice but it's early days for all of them. So far Natalie is my fave, thought she did great in her task
I'd never even heard of Romeo before thursday evening but I'm warming to him already
He's coming across really well so far .... I suppose I expected a real flash harry type but I couldn't have been more wrong.
She's my fave tooquote:So far Natalie is my fave, thought she did great in her task
She's always got loads of stick from the press ect & I notice she's still getting alot of stick on BBBOTS ... She's lovely! .. Leave the girl alone!
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