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Havent they already found the missing link

I saw a programme a while ago and I'm sure they said SHE had been identified as such with aspects of both human and ape habits and anatomy.
Can't remember enough specifics though. But it's not Lucy, it's something that was found a while after Lucy. She had fallen into a swamp, or something, and was well preserved.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
A bit of googling unearthed this story, reported in the Guardian in May 2009. I think that's the story  I'm recalling.

Fossil Ida: Extraordinary find is 'missing link' in human evolution

Perfectly preserved fossil Ida, unveiled in New York today, provides unprecedented insight into our ancestry.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Reference Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Today at 19:01:
Havent they already found the missing link
The press love this notion of a "missing link" because it makes an easy headline, but the fact is that the "missing link" in its most common usage (i.e. a link between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom) was found ages ago. What we have is a series of fossils that tell the story of how humans evolved, and every new fossil adds a bit more to that story.
Eugene's Lair
What came first, the turtle or the egg?
That's an old one! The answer is the egg bcause the very first creature to be classified as a turtle would have had to have been born from an egg, but its mother laying the egg would have been at the transition stage from whatever turtles are descended from, and tis predecessors would also have been laying eggs.
El Loro

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